Mejores políticas para una mejor educación Quiénes Somos » Artículos Investigaciones en breve Noticias Publicaciones English Desarrollo internacional y el indicador global de aprendizaje by PREAL on 05/03/2014 View in English Nos complace compartir con ustedes un...
Bill Gates en defensa de estándares en educación
5 Common Core facts Bill Gates says must be made clear By Roger Riddell March 17, 2014 | Print: Though meant to improve U.S. education, the Common Core State Standards have been the focus of considerable backlash — focused on everything from their...
Materiales para usar “flipped learning”
How to Make Flipped Learning Work © Copyright 2014 eSchoolMedia & eSchool News. All Rights Reserved. How a flipped classroom flipped a student’s perspective Teachers: Involve parents in the flipped classroom, too The truth about flipped learning Don’t make...
La importancia práctica de las matemáticas
Monday, February 10, 2014 Mathematics for the 21st century By Charles Fadel Founder and Chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign Why are mathematics taught? From Aristotle, Plato, Al-Khawarizmi, and Al-Kindi, to John Allen Paulos (Temple U.), Paul...
Perspectiva europea sobre programas académicos de primer grado cortos (3 años)
A European Perspective on Three-Year Degrees Posted on March 11, 2014 by Alex Usher Glen Murray may be gone, but the allure of three-year bachelor’s degrees remains. In future, my guess is that they’ll be much like the German apprenticeship system – an...
Ingreso de los graduados: ¿buen indicador de calidad de la educación superior?
The Pitfalls of Comparing Colleges Based on Postgraduate Earnings March 5, 2014 by Jonah Newman This is the third in a series of posts about the data that are likely to appear in the Obama administration’s proposed college-ratings system. The first post looked...
Rol (des) igualador de la educación superior
The Great Divide March 1, 2014, 2:30 pm College, the Great Unleveler By SUZANNE METTLER The Great Divide is a series about inequality. When the G.I. Bill of Rights of 1944 made colleges accessible to veterans regardless of socioeconomic background,...
Primeras reacciones frente a propuesta de cambios del SAT
March 6, 2014 Plans for New SAT Spark Mixed Reviews By Eric Hoover The first glimpse of the brand-new product arrived with a slew of promises. It would "open doors of opportunity" and "transform possibilities for everyone and anyone." Close your eyes, and this might...
Internacionalización y movilidad estudiantil
Just Published... OXFORD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE EDUCATION Internationalisation of Higher Education and Global Mobility Edited by BERNHARD STREITWIESER 2014 paperback 320 pages US$56.00 ISBN 978-1-873927-42-7 IN STOCK NOW FREE delivery on all orders All books are...
Informe Técnico Simce 2012
Informe Técnico Simce 2012 Bajar el Informe completo aquí <PDF> Actualmente, el sistema nacional de evaluación de logros de aprendizaje forma parte de la Agencia de Calidad de la Educación, la cual se ha fijado como uno de sus objetivos estratégicos...
Educación liberal en Rusia autoritaria: no funciona
Russian liberal-arts program, founded with Bard, will end One of Russia’s most prominent liberal-arts programs is...
Educación en la Constitución: ¿Cuál es el riesgo?
Educación en la Constitución: ¿Cuál es el riesgo? Jorge Ibáñez Carvallo, Director de Política Educativa de Educación...
Guía de lectura de J.M. Coetzee
The Essential J.M. Coetzee His spare, icily precise books explore humanity’s most serious themes, including South...