The Purpose of a University Isn’t Truth. It’s Inquiry. Defenders of academic freedom forget this at their own peril. By Amna Khalid and Jeffrey Aaron Snyder FEBRUARY 10, 2022 At the moment, there are at least 38 bills in state legislatures across the country...
Ayuda estudiantil: perspectiva comparada
One Thought to Start Your Day The Twelve Student Aid Programs That Matter February 9, 2022 | Alex Usher One of the challenges of trying to do large-scale global comparative higher education work is focusing. It’s a big world out there – and there are so many...
Alex Usher: Big Consulting en la educación superior
How Big Consulting thinks about Higher Education February 7, 2022 | Alex Usher A couple of weeks ago, David Kernohan at WonkHE, wrote a wonderfully cutting little piece about a new Ernst & Young report calling for a “fundamental re-think” of higher education, and...
Congreso Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
El Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Filosofía, geografía traducción e interpretación de la Universidad de Córdoba (España) en colaboración con Egregius, congresos y eventos, convocan a: I Congreso Internacional de pensamiento, cultura y sociedad 5 y 6 de abril de...
Alex Usher sobre Rankings
Two Rankings Stories You May Have Missed February 2, 2022 | Alex Usher Today I want to discuss two interesting developments in rankings, one purely American and the other intriguingly transatlantic. The first is a new set of rankings published by Third Way, a vaguely...
OECD Digital Education Outlook, 2021
Pushing the Frontiers with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Robots Executive Summary Digitalisation opens up new possibilities for education. While education has always been rich in data such as grades or administrative information on students’ absenteeism, the...
Regreso a clases, información de USA
February 28, 2022 By David Leonhardt Good morning. We look at the surprising number of recent classroom shutdowns in the US The debate over Covid-19 school closures can sometimes seem to be settled. There is now a consensus that children learned much less than usual —...
Fernando Reimers: Discusiones / conversaciones torno a los futuros de la educación (UNESCO)
En este articulo discuto opciones para responder a la crisis Mas aqui here...
Tendencias en la gobernanza de la educación superior
Tendencias en la gobernanza de la educación superior Gilda Macías Carmignani Universidad Casa Grande lunes, enero 17, 2022 La mirada de José Joaquín Brunner, en el marco de un evento previo a la Tercera Conferencia Mundial de Educación Superior, a celebrarse en...
Entrevista al Presidente electo: sus razones, ideología y motivaciones
Gabriel Boric, presidente electo de Chile: "No espero que las élites estén de acuerdo conmigo, pero sí que dejen de tenernos miedo" Andrea Vial Herrera Santiago de Chile, especial para BBC Mundo 21 enero 2022 Reconoce que él nunca pensó que estaría en este momento. A...
Financiamiento para la Educación Superior (FES) y deudores CAE
Fin al CAE: Comienza análisis del Financiamiento para la Educación Superior (FES) En la sesión participó el ministro...
En recuerdo de Georg Krücken
Message to CHER Members from the CHER Board of Governors The CHER community is profoundly saddened by the death of...
Crisis educacional y rol docente: tres contribuciones En la sesión ordinaria...
Nuevos aportes al debate FES, CAE, gratuidad: versiones y revisions
Anteriores entradas: Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil Nuevos aportes al debate sobre...