Governor plans funding increase for California universities—with a catch By Daniel Shumski Jan. 10, 2014 | Dive Brief: California Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed budget includes more money for the state's colleges and universities, as long as they promise not to...
Medidas frente a la deserción universitaria en EEUU
How to Help College Students Graduate By DAVID L. KIRPJAN. 8, 2014 AMERICAN students are enrolling in college in record numbers, but they’re also dropping out in droves. Barely half of those who start four-year colleges, and only a third of community college...
Una evaluación de Teach for America
A Return to the Evidence Julian Vasquez Heilig, Su Jin Jez January 7, 2014 Press Release → Teach For America (TFA) receives hundreds of millions of public and private dollars and has garnered acclaim for sending college graduates, who do not typically have an...
Boletín de Educación Superior Internacional
Please find Number 74 of International Higher Education. The first article in this issue features a report concerning research and training in higher education. The "Shanghai Statement" stems from an important conference sponsored by the Center for...
Tecnologías para la educación superior en 2014
What 5 Tech Experts Expect in 2014 Education technology enjoyed a headline-grabbing year in 2013. Debate about the potential, and the limitations, of massive open online courses reached a fevered pitch. Technology-enabled, competency-based degrees got a green...
El futuro del trabajo y un interesante informe de McKinsey
Computers jump to the Head of the class Michael Fitzpatrick, The New York Times, 29.12.2013 TOKYO — If a computer could ace the entrance exam for a top university, what would that mean for mere mortals with average intellects? This is a question that has bothered...
MOOCs y aprendizaje tecnológicamente personalizado
December 19, 2013 by Steve Kolowich What if You Blended Adaptive Learning With MOOCs? MOOCs and adaptive-learning software are often billed as two of the most potentially game-changing technologies in higher education. The White House, for one, is...
El futuro de los Mooc por ahora en manos del mercado
December 19, 2013 by Steve Kolowich Obama Is Advised to Let Market Forces Decide Fate of MOOCs Massive open online courses could help increase access to higher education while driving down its costs, but President Obama should not intervene in order to...
Obama: Ranking de equidad y empleabilidad para financiar ayudas estudiantiles
Dubious of Obama Plan December 16, 2013 Scott Jaschik WASHINGTON -- Most college presidents doubt that President Obama's plan to promote affordable higher education will be effective, or that it will lead students to make better informed choices. Further, they expect...
Debates sobre acreditación y sus fallas en los EEUU
December 13, 2013 Senators Say Accreditors Are Ineffective and Beset by Conflicts of Interest By Kelly Field Washington Key U.S. senators raised doubts about higher-education accreditation at a hearing on Thursday, citing the system's "conflicts of interest"...
Universidades británicas: ¿Controlar el acceso?
Fresh calls for number controls after elites take more students Academics question why some universities should be...
Complejo ideológico PC
Complejo ideológico PC "Aún se concibe a sí mismo como un partido leninista, que tolera la democracia formal burguesa...
Ciencia abierta versus editoriales académicas
Academic Publishers Threatened By Open-Access Expansion Critics say a directive to make federally funded research...
Gasto en investigación y desarrollo
Gasto en investigación y desarrollo Hugo Lavados, Rector USS, 27 de agosto de 2024 Es destacable la producción...