The Discourse Is Toxic. Universities Can Help. Oct. 30, 2023 By Amaney Jamal and Keren Yarhi-Milo Dr. Jamal is the dean of the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Dr. Yarhi-Milo is the dean of Columbia University’s School of International and Public...
La prohibición de conocer como principio educativo
Teaching Ignorance in Florida Prohibitions on knowledge draw attention to what they prohibit. By Peter Brooks FEBRUARY 6, 2024 “Teaching Ignorance”: That’s the title of a famous essay by the literary critic Barbara Johnson, published in a 1982 issue of Yale French...
Harvard y MIT: IA aplicada al acceso y retención
After pioneering edX, Harvard and MIT tackle online access afresh With Axim, elite university duo looks to aid innovation more than create it – and keep $800 million nest egg February 7, 2024 Paul Basken Access aids: Harvard and MIT promised to use proceeds of edX...
USA: Educación, clases sociales y elecciones
The Political Failure of Bidenomics Feb. 22, 2024 By David Brooks Opinion Columnist After Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016, most sensible Democrats realized they had a problem. The party was hemorrhaging support from the white working class. More than 60 percent of...
USA: guerras culturales y políticas educacionales
Education as a political battleground Rana Foroohar Global Business Columnist Last week, I spent a couple of days in Washington meeting with two fascinating and politically distinct groups of people. First, I moderated a panel at a conference put on by the non-Maga...
La designación y el fin de la Rectora de la U de Harvard
Who Failed Whom at Harvard? Claudine Gay’s presidency lasted a mere six months. Now, in the aftermath of her exit, questions linger about how the Harvard Corporation handled matters. By Josh Moody Penny Pritzker (left), the senior member of the Harvard...
Plagio e intimidación en la Universidad de Harvard
The REAL real Harvard scandal Len Gutkin, JANUARY 8, 2024 When the news broke that the political scientist Claudine Gay, accused of plagiarism, had resigned as president of Harvard University, I happened to be reading the first volume of the Spanish writer Javier...
Chomsky y los militares. Un ensayo de C. Knight
The two Chomskys The US military’s greatest enemy worked in an institution saturated with military funding. How did it shape his thought? Chris Knight is a senior research associate in the department of anthropology at University College London. He is the author of...
EEUU: Libertad académica amenazada
US faculty promise fight to protect academic freedom While Republicans seek momentum from fiery hearing and Penn ousting, professors gain clarity on the size of the fight ahead Paul Basken, December 20, 2023 US students and faculty are rising up against partisan...
Trump propone universidad gratuita
A Free, Online National University Is Trump’s Latest Higher-Ed Idea. Here’s What Experts Think. By Eric Kelderman, NOVEMBER 2, 2023 STEVE HELBER, AP IMAGES Donald J. Trump speaks at Liberty U. in 2016. Former President Donald J. Trump is adding his voice to the many...
Revista PEL Vol. 61, Núm. 1
El Vol. 61 Núm. 1 de Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL) reúne nueve...
Vacaciones italianas en el origen de la Escuela de Frankfurt
FELLOW-TRAVELLERS The surprisingly sunny origins of the Frankfurt School. By Thomas Meaney November, 25 , 2024 One of...
Hacia un juicio más balanceado de calidad y excelencia
We need to change how we talk about excellence and quality Alan Ruby and Matthew Hartley 14 February 2025...
THE: World University Rankings 2025 – methodology
World University Rankings 2025: methodology We compile our World University Rankings from information supplied by...