Assessing the Value of an Undergrad Degree A new study from Academically Adrift's co-author seeks to evaluate a broad range of student experiences and outcomes as well as new ways to measure learning. By Lilah Burke September 27, 2019 3 COMMENTS...
Francia: ¿la reforma Macron de las grandes escuelas?
Will Macron’s move against his alma mater make France’s HE system fairer? France’s president responded to the gilets jaunesmovement with a surprise plan to abolish the grande école ENA, reigniting debate about the country’s intensely hierarchical higher education...
Eric Posner, Libros recientes sobre meritocracia en USA
The Meritocracy Muddle Sep 13, 2019 ERIC POSNER Populist resentment against "elites" is a recurring feature of modern democracy, owing to the fact that popular sovereignty is at odds with the careful management of increasingly complex economies. But what causes public...
OCDE Panorama de la Educación 2019
By Marie-Hélène Doumet Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Education at a Glance report provides a comprehensive overview of education systems in OECD member and partner countries, including detailed indicators across all levels of education –...
¿Por qué no la gratuidad? Una reflexión desde USA
Free Public College Is a Terrible Idea By Brian Rosenberg SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 PREMIUM Now that the race for the Democratic nomination for president is becoming more serious, it is time to take an equally serious look at the proposal for tuition-free public college...
¿Existe el mérito y hay meritocracia?
Does meritocracy stall social mobility, entrench an undeserving elite, and undermine trust in higher education? Joan Wong for The Chronicle September 13, 2019 That seems to be the emerging bipartisan consensus. “On the evidence we have, the meritocratic ideal ends up...
Niños y jovenes fuera del colegio en el mundo
UIS Releases New Education Data and SDG 4 Indicators for 2018 School Year 13/09/2019 Focus on out-of-school children New data on the world’s out-of-school children reveal little or no progress for more than a decade, with about 258 million children, adolescents and...
México: educación temprana
NUEVO INFORME México: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia Sep 04 | Mexicanos Primero y Diálogo Interamericano A continuación, se presenta el Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia de México, elaborado por Mexicanos Primero y...
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior
Número actual Vol. 10 Núm. 28 (2019) Publicado: 2019-06-01 Territorios ¿Puntos de partida y llegada simétricos? Una tipología basada en la relación educación-empleo Jorge-Alberto Arellano-Martínez, Iván-Alejandro Salas-Durazo 3-24 PDF HTML Análisis comparativo entre...
Evaluación de aprendizajes en educación superior
Destacadas El IESALC presenta las conclusiones de su informe sobre tendencias internacionales en la evaluación de los aprendizajes en educación superior 16 agosto, 2019 calidad, Educación Superior, Francesc Pedró, UNESCO Los días 15 y 16 de agosto de 2019 se llevó a...
Texto leido con ocasión del 30 aniversario del gobierno del Presidente Frei Ruiz Tagle
Estimado Presidente, amigas y amigos: Ustedes bien saben que el Presidente ordena y a los voceros no les queda otra...
Atrincherados "En ambos frentes surge la interrogante: ¿en qué país vive el adversario?" José Joaquín Brunner, El...
Qué hace a una universidad
Don’t ditch research quality benchmarks, universities say Australian institutions say new research rules are not to...
Ranking THE: Universidades Chilenas
World University Rankings 2024 The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 include 1,906 universities...