
La enseñanza de las ingenierías

View as Webpage One Thought to Start Your Day Innovations in Engineering Education March 30, 2022 | Alex Usher and Jonathan McQuarrie Today HESA is releasing the fifth edition of our publication Monitoring Trends in Academic Programs, written by Jonathan...

Créditos estudiantiles en el mundo, por A. Usher

One Thought to Start Your Day Student Financial Aid Regimes March 23, 2022 | Alex Usher and Jonathan Williams Last week, we presented you with an overview of tuition fee regimes around the world. Not unreasonably, a few of you asked “what about student aid? Doesn’t...

Ranking de universidades en USA: debate de fondo

Columbia Is Ranked No. 2 by ‘U.S News.’ A Professor Says Its Spot Is Based on False Data. By Francie Diep MARCH 16, 2022 Columbia University is ranked No. 2 among national universities by U.S. News & World Report, behind Princeton University and tied with Harvard...

Posgrado en España

Seminario "El postgrado en España" Entre los meses de marzo y diciembre de 2021, se llevó a cabo el Seminario en línea “El postgrado en España” por iniciativa de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) y la Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria de...

Ayuda estudiantil: perspectiva comparada

One Thought to Start Your Day The Twelve Student Aid Programs That Matter February 9, 2022 | Alex Usher One of the challenges of trying to do large-scale global comparative higher education work is focusing. It’s a big world out there – and there are so many...

Alex Usher sobre Rankings

Two Rankings Stories You May Have Missed February 2, 2022 | Alex Usher Today I want to discuss two interesting developments in rankings, one purely American and the other intriguingly transatlantic. The first is a new set of rankings published by Third Way, a vaguely...

México: Educación superior técnica

El desprecio por la técnica DIARIO DE COLIMA, MÉXICO MANUEL GIL ANTÓN,  Sábado 22 de Enero de 2022 LA educación superior es, a partir de la reforma educativa de la presente administración, obligatoria. Acceder a ella requiere, como condición ineludible, haber...