Oportunidades para la educación técnico profesional 4 NOV 2020 09:10 AM Por Andrea Garrido, directora ejecutiva Chile Dual La educación técnico profesional ha sido puesta a prueba durante el año 2020, producto de la pandemia. Nuestros estudiantes han tenido...
Gran Bretaña: La educación superior técnica
Giving universities lead on vocational HE ‘could pivot post-92s’ Policy Exchange report from v-c on Augar panel calls for English universities, not further education colleges, to be responsible for Level 4 and 5 provision November 5, 2020 John Morgan The government...
Que pasa al inicio del nuevo semestre en EEUU
What Counts as Success in a COVID Semester With less than a month to Thanksgiving, some colleges are starting to tell their stories of how they've contained the virus -- and they're feeling pretty good about the results of their efforts. By Elizabeth Redden...
Acceso en universidades de Canadá, EEUU y Gran Bretaña
So How are Enrolments Looking, Anyway? November 2nd, 2020 - Alex Usher Back in the spring, there was widespread panic that postsecondary enrolments – particularly international enrolments – would crumble if students had to spend a whole term online. What do we know...
EEUU: La educación superior si gana Biden
Would a Biden administration solve US higher education’s problems? The vast majority of university staff and students are hoping that Joe Biden’s predicted win comes to pass in next week’s presidential election. But with the nation’s finances reeling from Covid-19 and...
En la huella de famoso libro de Allan Bloom “The Closing of the American Mind”
How to Reopen the American Mind In the midst of an existential crisis for higher education, is it even reasonable to expect the humanities to survive? By Jon Baskin and Anastasia Berg, Oct. 22, 2020 This fall, as college students filter hesitantly into socially...
Conversación con docentes en La Serena
Conversación con profesores del Colegio Inglés Católico La Serena dentro de un ciclo que tienen con invitados de diversas áreas del saber Ver/escuchar aquí, La Serena, 20 de octubre de 2020
Amenazas a la libertad académica
Are corporate overreach and political correctness really undermining academic freedom? Neoliberal administrators’ policing of institutional reputations and academic colleagues’ condemnation of dissenting voices on issues such as race and gender have led to claims that...
Financiamiento de la educación post-pandemia: perspectiva global
What Do Past Shocks Tell Us About the Choices We’ll Face After the Pandemic? A Series on Education Finance Post-COVID OCTOBER 13, 2020 Shelby Carvalho and Susannah Hares Follow While much of the education sector’s attention is focused on the effects of COVID-19 school...
Morosidad: deudas en las universidades
Morosidad: deudas en las universidades alcanzan hasta al 29% de sus estudiantes Carlos Said La educación superior ha destinado miles de millones para adaptarse a la pandemia. Los compromisos impagos han aumentado y los planteles ofrecieron distintas ayudas para sus...
Batalla por escándalos, medios de comunicación y élites políticas
Batalla por escándalos, medios de comunicación y élites políticas Los grupos dirigentes, de un lado y del otro, se...
Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL)
El Vol. 61 Núm. 3 de Pensamiento Educativo, Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL) reúne nueve...
Visión de Trump para la acreditación de universidades
Trump’s Vision for College Accreditation Could Shake Up the Sector By Eric Kelderman November 26, 2024 ...
Bill Gates entrevista
Bill Gates: the Optimist’s Dilemma The philanthropist has been fighting global disease for 25 years. He believes the...