10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER) Workshop Theme: Higher Education Reforms: Looking Back – Looking Forward Click here to download the Workshop Flyer The Centre for Education Policy Studies (CEPS) is pleased to host this year's International...
Investigación educacional y educación digital: velocidades relativas
Quick and Dirty Research ByPaul Fain, Inside Higher ED, May 1, 2013 - 3:00am Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/05/01/education-research-and-pace-innovation#ixzz2S4rsPM3 SAN FRANCISCO – To keep up with the breakneck pace of developments in...
Tendencias y desafíos de la Educación Terciaria en ALAT y OCDE
Presentación utilizada para la clase dictada en el marco del curso de extensión de la Cátedra UNESCO sobre “A educação superior na América Latina e os Desafios do Século 21” coordinado por el profesor Simon Schwartzman. Bajar la Presentación "Tendencias y desafíos de...
Nuevo ranking de sistemas nacionales de educación superior
U21 Rankings of National Higher Education Systems 2012 10 May 2012 U21 has published new research into national education systems gives the first ranking of countries which are the ‘best’ at providing higher education. bajar el documento completo aquí <PDF>...
FECH sobre gratuidad
Con la educación gratuita ganamos todos ANDRÉS FIELBAUMPresidente de la FECH, El Mostrador 7 de mayo 2013 La masiva marcha del 11 de Abril volvió a demostrar la necesidad de una educación pública, gratuita y de calidad. Amplio debate ha vuelto a suscitarse, en...
Aun el ranking mas reputado es ahora boicoteado
German Sociologists Boycott Academic Ranking by Klaus Dörre, Stephan Lessenich, and Ingo Singe, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany Universities and institutions of higher education across the globe are being impacted by structural change, guided by...
Sobre rankings multidimensionales
Una interesante reflexión de Alex Usher del Canadá quien es de los principales expertos mundiales en rankings de la educaciuón superior. U-Multirank Posted on April 23, 2013 by Alex Usher Some of you have been calling and e-mailing over the last few weeks, asking me...
Lecciones desde el sudeste asiático
Catching up: learning from the best school systems in East Asia Read the summary report aquí The world’s centre of high performance in school education is now East Asia. Four of the five top-performing systems are Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea and Singapore,...
Sobre la clasificación de universidades
On the Classification of Universities Sobre la clasificación de universidades José Joaquín Brunner Diego Portales University, Chile Abstract This article discusses the use of university classifications as a framework for their order, ranking and finance. It is argued...
¿Cuánto aprenden los alumnos en los EEUU?
Series: Brown Center Report on American Education | Number 14 of 14 « Previous Report | March 18, 2013 2013 Brown Center Report on American Education: How Well Are American Students Learning? Editors' Note: The introduction to the 2013 Brown Center Report on American...
Nueva Zelanda: ¿Universidades comprometidas, militantes o autónomas?
Universities should be apolitical, not centres of social justice activism John Raine, David Lillis and Peter...
La autoridad en la escuela contemporánea
La autoridad en la escuela contemporánea Leonidas Montes, director del Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP), tiene el...
Soy estudiante. No tienes ni idea de cuánto usamos ChatGPT
I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT No professor or software could ever pick up on it....
Revista Complutense de Educación
Vol. 34 Núm. 3 (2023) Publicado: 2023-07-05 Artículos Análisis de la realidad del TFG en las universidades españolas...