
Max Weber: el saber como vocación

Max Weber Invented the Crisis of the Humanities More than 100 years old, his landmark essay is more relevant than ever. February 6, 2020 By PAUL REITTER and CHAD WELLMON In the summer of 1917, a group of university students in Munich invited Max Weber to launch a...

¿Cuánto trabajan algunos académicos?

Should you be working 100 hours a week? Mary Beard’s recent admission that she is a ‘mug’ who works 100 hours a week caused a Twitter storm. But how hard is it reasonable for academics to work? Who should decide? And should the mugs be obliged to keep quiet? Seven...

Nuevas concepciones del PhD

The New Ph.D. Momentum grows to rewrite the rules of graduate training By Marc Parry February 16, 2020 PREMIUM (c)  Meg Berkobien couldn’t do it anymore. She’d finished about three-quarters of a doctoral dissertation in comparative literature. Her advisers at the...

Pago de la deuda estudiantil en USA

Growing Federal Subsidies for Graduate Loan Debt Almost half of federal student loans are being repaid through more generous income-driven repayment plans, new data show, with 80 percent of government subsidies now going to graduate student borrowers. Almost half of...

¿Investigación interdisciplinaria?

Is interdisciplinary research really the best way to tackle global challenges? Politicians, funders and university leaders all intone the mantra of interdisciplinarity. But what does the concept really mean? Will it really yield the insights it promises? And how best...

Barreras a la movilidad social en EEUU

The Barriers to Mobility Why Higher Ed’s Promise Remains Unfulfilled Kevin Van Aelst for The Chronicle December 31, 2019 By KARIN FISCHER For generations of Americans, higher education was a ladder — study hard and you could climb into the middle class. A college...