El reciente libro de la OECD, No More Failures: Ten Steps to Equity in Education, es una nueva contribución de este organismo al análisis y el abordamiento de los problemas del fracaso escolar, desde la perspectiva de una mayor equidad de los sistemas educacionales. Sr trata, por lo mismo, de un aporte de especial interés para América Latina y Chile.
Según se señala en la presentación de este volumen:
No More Failures challenges the assumption that there will always be failures and dropouts, those who can’t or won’t make it in school. In fact, initiatives in many countries demonstrate that it is possible to successfully tackle school failure and dropout rates – and to reduce the huge social cost of adults without basic skills. This book offers a valuable comparative perspective on how different countries have handled equity in education. Among the issues it explores:
– tracking, streaming and academic selection
– school choice
– secondary education structures and second chance programmes
– grade repetition
– links between school and home
– early childhood education
– resource allocation
– targets for equity
– the special needs of migrants and minorities
The book identifies three key areas for delivering equity in education: the design of education systems, classroom practices and resourcing. It proposes ten concrete policy measures, backed by evidence, on how to reduce school failure and dropout rates. It will be of special interest to policy makers, school leaders, teachers and parents.
El resumen ejecutivo de este estudio puede obtenerse aquí
Recursos asociados
Entrevista de Página/12 con Juan C. Tedesco, Ministro de Educación de Argentina, 16 diciembre 2007
El factor “familia” en el el rendimiento de los alumnos, 10 diciembre 2007
El Informe McKinsey & Co.: How the World’s Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top, 9 diciembrre 2007
Los debates de la República Educacional: 1910 – 2010, J.J. Brunner, 16 noviembre 2007
¿Educación y Pluralismo?, J.J. Brunner, 21 agosto 2007
La reforma al sistema escolar: aportes para el debate, libro coordinado por J.J. Brunner y C. Peña, 15 mayo 2007
Educación en Chile: el peso de las desigualdades, J.J. Brunner, 24 agosto 2005
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