Academics say ‘total makeover’ plan will damage HE sector Jan Petter Myklebust 24 February 2023 Norway’s Research and Higher Education Minister Ola Borten Moe has been accused by some of the country’s top academics and his political opponents of rushing through...
Autonomía universitaria en Europa: Balance
University autonomy in Europe ‘eroded by political meddling’ Politicians’ recent marshalling of public institutions for geopolitical, economic and societal ends has narrowed their room to manoeuvre, according to EUA’s autonomy scorecard Ben Upton Twitter: @benwupton,...
USA: Enseñanza en tiempos de apatía juvenil
Teaching in an Age of ‘Militant Apathy’ Immersive education offers a way to reach students. But can it ever become the norm? By Beth McMurtrie FEBRUARY 15, 2023 It is a strange time to be an undergraduate. Life may feel apocalyptic, buffeted by climate crisis, social...
España: Reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Sistema Universitario (LOSU)
Universidades ante el abismo Muchos esperábamos de este ministerio soluciones más ambiciosas y estructurales para el momento crítico actual. GASTON GILABERT, 24 FEB 2023 Es gravísimo que en España no exista un debate público sobre la educación superior. La...
EEUU: Apatía estudiantil
Teaching in an Age of ‘Militant Apathy’ Immersive education offers a way to reach students. But can it ever become the norm? By Beth McMurtrie, FEBRUARY 15, 2023 It is a strange time to be an undergraduate. Life may feel apocalyptic, buffeted by climate crisis,...
EEUU: Docencia de pregrado en debate
Course Correction Students expect ‘total flexibility’ in the pandemic-era classroom. But is that really what they need? By Beckie Supiano FEBRUARY 13, 2023 For all the well-known frustrations of remote instruction, Mark A. Sarvary anticipated that moving back...
Podcast conversación de Alex Usher con Jamil Salmi
FEBRUARY 23, 2022 | ALEX USHER The World of Higher Education Podcast Access Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries S1 E4: Access Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Guest: Jamil Salmi Morning all. Today is Thursday and hence podcast day. Today’s guest is my...
¿Sesgo político en la academia?
La derecha estadounidense gira contra la educación Desde el auge del trumpismo, los republicanos creen que los profesores universitarios enseñan propoganda liberal PAUL KRUGMAN 18 FEB 2023 - 05:45 CET Ron DeSantis, actualmente gobernador de Florida y aspirante a...
Meritocracia versus habitus
Behind the elite university’s ‘visage of meritocracy’ Nathan M Greenfield 01 February 2023 ,Far from being bastions of intellectual inquiry and meritocracy, in both Britain and the United States elite universities reproduce the ethnic, racial and class divisions...
Intervención de universidades en el Estado de Florida
What Is Happening in Florida? Demands for diversity data, a governing-board overhaul, and a pledge to strip “trendy ideology” from higher ed. Is Ron DeSantis just getting started? By Francie Diep and Emma Pettit JANUARY 30, 2023 It’s been a dizzying month for...
¿Cogobierno en la educación chilena? La contrarreforma conservadora “interviene” la política educativa pública desde el presupuesto 2025
¿Cogobierno en la educación chilena? La contrarreforma conservadora “interviene” la política educativa pública desde...
¿Hay politización en las universidades on es un espejismo?
Breve entrevista del diario El Mercurio del día 21 de diciembre de 2024 —¿Cómo considera que se forjó el prestigio de...
IA como predictora de experimentos científicos
LLMs outclass humans at predicting neuroscience results Nathan M Greenfield 10 December 2024 Large language models...
Chile, Aprendizajes en rojo: la última década en educación
Aprendizajes en rojo: la última década en educación Los últimos años han mostrado al país la necesidad de...