
Modelos públicos de universidad

Columnistas Domingo 19 de junio de 2022 Modelos públicos de universidad "Lo estatal no impide convertirse en organizaciones innovadoras; al contrario, hacerlo agrega valor público a universidades hasta ayer prisioneras del statu quo". José Joaquín Brunner La disputa...

¿Anarquías organizadas?

Organised anarchy? UCL research supremo on steering science giant Outgoing vice-provost David Price reflects on changes during his 15-year tenure, plus how the REF and scholarly publishing should change May 31, 2022 Jack Grove “This is possibly the most enjoyable job...

Reunión de Arca en Ecuador

COLUMNISTAS Reunión del ARCA Alberto Dahik Garzozi , 13 de junio, 2022 - 00h01 Siendo un gran honor para el Ecuador, la asociación de rectores de universidades del Caribe y de América Latina, ARCA, mantuvo durante los días jueves 9 y viernes 10 su reunión de rectores....

¿Publicar o morir?

Academic publishing: Don’t let the number crunchers win Prasanta Kumar Panda  04 June 2022 Over the last four decades it has been considered routine for academics around the world to be expected to publish their research, although not many actually achieve it....

Altbach y de Wit sobre WHEC 20022

Research mission of universities – Missing from UNESCO roadmap Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit  04 June 2022 Does UNESCO think that the traditional research mission of universities is relevant in the 21st century? Apparently not. Beyond Limits: New ways to reinvent...

Universidades de aporte y servicio público

Universidades de aporte y servicio público por Arturo Hernández Sallés, Decano Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, UC de Temuco, 30 de mayo, 2022 En estos días, diversos autores han planteado en distintos medios orales o escritos la afirmación errónea de que...

¿Un nuevo enfoque para la educación superior?

The space for a new saga for higher education is emerging Peter Scott  25 May 2022 There is currently a particular saga about contemporary higher education that has become so familiar and so pervasive that it has tended to crowd out all others. It is based on...

Estudios superiores en Corea del Norte

Is academic life in North Korea as strange and difficult as you think? Even universities in the hermit kingdom largely cut themselves off from the rest of the world. Yet those few Westerners with direct experience of them suggest that while critical inquiry is...