Harvard Should Say Less. Maybe All Schools Should By Noah Feldman and Alison Simmons, May 28, 2024 Dr. Feldman is a law professor and Dr. Simmons is a professor of philosophy, both at Harvard. Last fall, Harvard University’s leadership found itself at the center of a...
Marcelo Rebossi: Argentina y la educación superior
Abandono escolar, el factor Neustadt y la revancha educativa "Estoy dentro del 86% que no terminó en tiempo y forma”, dice -un poco en broma y un tanto más con tristeza- Marcelo Rabossi, cuando se le pide que cuente cómo fue que se convirtió en un referente en...
Un siglo de Sabato y Ciencia, populismos y utopías
Un siglo de Sabato Mario Albornoz, lunes, 3 de junio de 2024 Hace cien años, un 4 de junio de 1924 nacía en Rojas, provincia de Buenos Aires, Jorge Alberto Sabato, uno de los pioneros del desarrollo tecnológico en América Latina. Era un hombre amable, de múltiples...
EEUU: crisis de la educación superior y las artes liberales
Deep Reading Will Save Your Soul Real learning has become impossible in universities. DIY programs offer a better way. WILLIAM DERESIEWICZ, MAY 29, 2024 Universities are in crisis—losing public support, shaken by internal divisions, facing angry donors and alumni, and...
Países Bajos: recortes anunciados por nuevo gobierno de derechas
Foreign students and research funding face ‘shocking’ cuts Jan Petter Myklebust 29 May 2024 The Dutch right-wing coalition platform’s recently published outline agreement promises to scrap research funding schemes, slash research spending by billions of euros and...
Conversación sobre educación
Expertos plantean cinco desafíos de la educación superior en Chile Constanza Flores Leiva 31 MAY 2024 José Joaquín Brunner, Luz María Budge y Hugo Lavados. Foto: Andrés Pérez / La Tercera. Luz María Budge, presidenta del Consejo Nacional de Educación; Hugo Lavados,...
Hungría: la universidad iliberal
JUNE 6, 2024 | ALEX USHER Illiberal Universities One of the most interesting stories in global higher education over the past couple of years has been the creeping government takeover of higher education in Hungary. The most famous example of this was the government...
Universidades chinas en comparación con Canadá
MAY 27, 2024 | ALEX USHER A China Update If you’ve been reading this bog for a while, you’ll know that I occasionally keep tabs on what’s going on at some of China’s top universities. I haven’t done it in a couple of years or so, so I thought it was time for an...
Libertad académica y Gaza en las universidades de USA
Academic freedom and the crisis of campus Gaza protests Nathan M Greenfield 25 May 2024 Two decisions on opposite sides of the United States last week underlined different ways in which the limits of academic freedom are being tested in the campus encampment crisis...
Hungría en el ranking del THE: ¿conflicto de interés?
Hungary’s big deal with ‘THE’ rankings: What’s going on? Ellen Hazelkorn and Philip G Altbach 25 May 2024 On 22 April 2024, Times Higher Education announced that it had reached a “groundbreaking” agreement with the Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Innovation with...
THE: World University Rankings 2025 – methodology
World University Rankings 2025: methodology We compile our World University Rankings from information supplied by...
Conversación R Dawkins y Chat GPT
Are you conscious? A conversation between Dawkins and ChatGPT RICHARD DAWKINS FEB 17, 2025 Is AI truly conscious, or...
THE RANKING – 2025: universidad del mundo
Rank Name Country/Region No. of FTE Students No. of students per staff International Students Female:Male Ratio 1...
Rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: financiación
El rector de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: “Necesitamos recibir, mínimo, el doble de financiación” La institución...