What price will education pay for COVID-19? 30 march 2020 As the world comes to terms with the scale and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of the global population is rightly taking priority over education for the time being. For today’s students, the...
El coronavirus y la Universidad
El coronavirus y la Universidad El Covid-19 nos está dejando algunas enseñanzas. Hay al menos cuatro bastante claras, la primera: los desafíos mundiales nos recuerdan que es mucho más lo que nos une que lo que nos separa ALFONSO SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Rector Universidad...
Reflexiones en EEUU sobre estudiantes que residen en sus colleges
Ritual, Rhythm, Community: Everything Higher Ed Does Best, the Coronavirus Attacks The Covid-19 pandemic has closed campuses across the nation, upending the familiar signposts of residential college life By Jack Stripling March 27, 2020 PREMIUM At first, the virus...
Nuevos modelos educacionales para la 4ª Revolución Industrial
Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society Schools of the Future Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution World Economic Forum, January 2020 This report has been published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution...
Coronavirus en los colegios: los efectos de la clausura en EEUU
The coronavirus double whammy: School closures, economic downturn could derail student learning, research shows By Matt Barnum , Chalkbeat, March 24, 2019. The new coronavirus has closed schools for weeks, and in some places for the rest of the academic year....
Coronavirus y enseñanza superior en línea
The Coronavirus Has Pushed Courses Online. Professors Are Trying Hard to Keep Up. By Beth McMurtrie MARCH 20, 2020 PREMIUM Rebecca Barrett-Fox saw panic spreading across academe as colleges were shifting abruptly to remote teaching to stem the spread of the...
Covid-19 y educación temprana, niñez
March 20, 2020 Stress, Hope, and the Role of Science: Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has the capacity to affect every person in the world—and how each individual responds can potentially affect everyone else. In addition to the efforts of...
EEUU: Política de apoyo para universidades en medio de la epidemia
Coronavirus Stimulus Plan Is Coming. How Will Higher Education Figure In? By Danielle McLean MARCH 20, 2020 A week after higher education saw its near-term financial outlook shot into a state of disarray, some relief could be coming soon from Washington. As members of...
Unesco: Acelerar el despliegue de soluciones de aprendizaje a distancia
La mitad de la población estudiantil del mundo no asiste a la escuela: la UNESCO lanza una coalición mundial para acelerar el despliegue de soluciones de aprendizaje a distancia París, 18 de marzo -Más de 850 millones de niños y jóvenes -aproximadamente la mitad de la...
Competencias siglo 21: nuevo estudio de implementación curricular
BROOKINGS EDUCATION PLUS DEVELOPMENT Representing 21st century skills in curricula: A new study Dirk Hastedt and Esther Care, February 28, 2020 “Holistic development” is the watchword when setting educational goals for students. However, what this means in practice...
Valor de la educación superior
The value of higher education goes far beyond a good job Vivienne Stern and Ed Castell 13 July 202 As participation...
Universidades ante el gobierno laborista en UK
Universities heed Labour’s call to put the country first Nic Mitchell 11 July 2024 British universities seem to have...
Universidades racionalizadas y ciencias del espíritu
Universidades racionalizadas y ciencias del espíritu 14 de julio, 2014 La universidad racionalizada está en las...
España,La educación pública más allá de la trinchera
La educación pública más allá de la trinchera No solo está en juego un modelo educativo más o menos igualitario, sino...