
El costo del Covid-19 para la educación

What price will education pay for COVID-19? 30 march 2020 As the world comes to terms with the scale and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of the global population is rightly taking priority over education for the time being. For today’s students, the...

Unesco entrevista ministro de educación de Chile

       ¿Cómo enfrenta Chile la emergencia educativa ante el COVID-19? La UNESCO entrevista a Raúl Figueroa, ministro de Educación Entrevista puede escucharse aquí English version En un momento en el que más de 1.500 millones de estudiantes se encuentran...

Universidades británicas: rescate o fracaso?

Camilla Cavendish, Financial Times, April 3, 2019 Are universities too big to fail? As Covid-19 sweeps the globe, some UK universities, highly dependent on foreign students and summer courses for income, are looking into the abyss. Allowing a university to go bust...

Universidades de occidente e ingresos desde China

Rely on China. After the Virus, That May Not Last. In Britain, the United States and Australia, the coronavirus could blow huge holes in the budgets of universities that have “become addicted to one source of income.” University administrators are bracing for parents...

Alex Usher: coronavirus y docencia en línea

View as Webpage Coronavirus (9)-September & Big Classes Marchm31st, 2020 - Alex Usher (Yes, I know, I said I would try to stay off Coronavirus topics. But it’s bloody hard to talk about anything else, isn’t it?) One of the least attractive features of the modern...

Ranking mundial de libertad académica

Ranking Academic Freedom Globally Developers of new index rating countries by their level of academic freedom are challenging university rankers to consider such freedoms more broadly. By Elizabeth Redden March 30, 2020 GLOBAL PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE Global Levels of...

OECD: Respuesta de docentes ante la pandemia

How can teachers and school systems respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? Some lessons from TALIS Banner image: Shutterstock Andreas Schleicher Mar 23, 2020  6  0  Like 7  Comment  Share This article is part of series in which OECD experts and thought leaders – from...