Investigación educacional

Mitos educacionales

educationtoday blog Five myths about education, debunked Posted: 29 May 2018 05:43 AM PDT By Andreas Schleicher Director, Directorate for Education and Skills It’s so much easier to educate students for our past than for their future. Schools are inherently...

5 miradas desde y hacia Marx

  Marx's Mark Karl Marx's theory of history has not been borne out. And yet, even where Marx was wrong, his ideas still serve – 200 years after his birth – as a reference point for thinking about the politics of work, inequality, globalization, and new...

Capital humano por Alex Usher

[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"]  Human Capital Theory   May 9th, 2018 - Alex Usher My work exists at the junction of a few different fields – management, public administration, sociology and economics (which is kind of funny because my degree is in none of those...

OEI: cambio de mando

“Hay que poner en valor lo que se hace en Iberoamérica” El nuevo secretario general de la OEI para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura destaca el avance en estos ámbitos en los últimos 20 años, pero también los retos que afrontará durante su mandato Madrid 4 MAY...

Revista Páginas de Educación

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22235/pe.v11i1 Publicado: 2018-05-02 Número completo  Tabla de contenidos  Número completo Artículos Presentación: Es tiempo de hacer mejores preguntas Cristóbal Cobo 1-5  PDF (English) ¿Qué hay de nuevo en las noticias falsas? Alfabetizaciones...

Riesgos en conducción universidades (conclusión)

Risk (Conclusion) April 19th, 2018 - Alex Usher Just to recap the last few blogs: First, ensuring that institutions are managing risk is pretty much the most important responsibility Boards of Governors have. They need the tools to understand how it is being done and...