Investigación educacional

Consejos para la educación

Managing Education Systems During COVID-19: An Open Letter to A Minister of Education MARCH 23, 2020 Karen Mundy and Susannah Hares,© 2020 Center for Global Development Dear Minister, As of March 23, more than 124 countries have closed their education systems either...

Covid-19 y educación temprana, niñez

March 20, 2020 Stress, Hope, and the Role of Science: Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has the capacity to affect every person in the world—and how each individual responds can potentially affect everyone else. In addition to the efforts of...

Mapa de competencias siglo 21

New 21st Century Skills Study to Map Education in a Changing World International Association of Educational Achievement (IEA) Education is changing. Countries around the world are broadening their educational vision to equip students with what are often termed...

Revista Perfiles Educativos

El número 167 (enero-marzo) de la Revista Perfiles Educativos, el cual se encuentra disponible en línea en la página web de la revista: //doi.org/10.22201/iisue.24486167e.2019.167 Editorial EditorialGénero en la agenda educativa Alejandro Canales Sánchez 3-7 PDF EPUB...

Revista Higher Learning

Home > JOURNALS > HLRC Follow HLRC is an open-access journal with an international focus published by Walden University. It is indexed in Scopus and is listed in other indexes and abstracting services. Its aim is to disseminate both high-quality research and...

Barreras a la movilidad social en EEUU

The Barriers to Mobility Why Higher Ed’s Promise Remains Unfulfilled Kevin Van Aelst for The Chronicle December 31, 2019 By KARIN FISCHER For generations of Americans, higher education was a ladder — study hard and you could climb into the middle class. A college...