NOVEMBER 16, 2023 | ALEX USHER Chile: A Decade of Gratuidad Hi. I’m Alex Usher and the is the World of Higher Education podcast. One of the biggest events of the last two decades in global higher education was the wave of student protests that hit Chile in 2011...
Presupuesto educacional 2024
Cataldo en calidad de condicional: presupuesto de Educación corre riesgo de desfondarse por el lado del propio oficialismo José Miguel Wilson, 14 NOV 2023 01:41 PM En el debate que se dio, el jueves pasado, en la Comisión Mixta de senadores y diputados, la partida del...
Liz Reisberg: Educación superior y transformación tecnológica
Tapping the support needed for educational transformation Liz Reisberg 04 November 2023 The International Conference on Educational Innovation, held annually on the campus of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (known as Tecnológico de...
Política de aranceles en China
China’s tuition fee hikes ‘could foreshadow’ marketised HE system Beijing is ‘actively seeking to deter many young people from pursuing a degree’ to stem graduate unemployment, researcher says Pola Lem Jing Liu, October 10, 2023 Universities across China are raising...
Nicholas Barr: Sobre cómo financiar lam educación superior
A fairer way to finance tertiary education Nicholas Barr, June 7th, 2023 Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Nicholas Barr dispels some of the commonly held myths around higher education funding and outlines the core elements of a financing system guided by principles...
Julio Labraña: “Acreditación, educación superior y las paradojas de los indicadores”
Columna de Julio Labraña: “Acreditación, educación superior y las paradojas de los indicadores” Julio Labraña, 12 de octubre de 2023 La acreditación se ha convertido progresivamente en el estándar de calidad para las instituciones de educación superior. Dicha...
CHINA: oferta o demanda de educación superior
China’s tuition fee hikes ‘could foreshadow’ marketised HE system Beijing is ‘actively seeking to deter many young people from pursuing a degree’ to stem graduate unemployment, researcher says October 10, 2023 Pola Lem Jing Liu Universities across China are raising...
Expectativa de vida y diplomas en EEUU
October 7, 2023 Almost two-thirds of American adults do not have college degrees, and they have become increasingly excluded from good jobs, political power and social esteem. As their lives and livelihoods are threatened, their longevity declines. By Anne Case and...
Atemnción: Politización de las universidades
Why so quiet? Opposing politicisation of HE is mandatory Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit 30 September 2023 Perhaps not since the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s and the Soviet era in Russia and its satellites have we seen the kind of political pressures on...
Times Higher Education Ranking 2023 para universidades chilenas
World University Rankings 2023 The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023 include 1,799 universities across 104 countries and regions, making them the largest and most diverse university rankings to date. The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated...
El potencial movilizador de lo académico y del bienestar estudiantil
El potencial movilizador de lo académico y del bienestar estudiantil Por: Claudio Calabrán Muñoz |...
Hans de Wit: Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution
Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution Hans de Wit 04 December 2024 Looking at the current debate...
Nota de G. Elacqua sobre reciente trabajo inequidad racial en educación de Brasil
New report: The Vicious Cycle of Racial Inequality in Brazilian Education I wanted to share key findings from our new...
Con Alex Usher sobre ESTP en China
The World of Higher Education DECEMBER 5, 2024 | ALEX USHER EPISODE 3.13 Skilled for the Future: How China is...