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Japón: evolución de la educación superior (II)
Better Know a Higher Ed System May 22nd, 2018 - Alex Usher We all know that Japan is a technological leader, right? An “innovation nation”? And we all know innovation comes from universities, right? So Japanese universities must be kind of god-like in their...
Homenaje a Philip Roth
Philip Roth, Towering Novelist Who Explored Lust, Jewish Life and America, Dies at 85 OBITUARIES By Erik Olsen and Mervyn Rothstein 12:23The Last Word: Philip Roth The New York Times sat down with Philip Roth in 2008 to talk about his life and...
5 miradas desde y hacia Marx
Marx's Mark Karl Marx's theory of history has not been borne out. And yet, even where Marx was wrong, his ideas still serve – 200 years after his birth – as a reference point for thinking about the politics of work, inequality, globalization, and new...
Educación superior Tecnológica hacia 2040
TECHNOLOGY This Is What Georgia Tech Thinks College Will Look Like in 2040 By Beth McMurtrie MAY 11, 2018 PREMIUM The Georgia Institute of Technology has a fondness for bold experiments. It created the nation’s largest online master’s program in computer science,...
Otro Mayo
MAYO DEL 68 / IDA Y VUELTA Otro Mayo Alzábamos el puño coreando consignas y mirábamos de soslayo por miedo a que irrumpieran los policías. Nunca entraron. No hizo falta ANTONIO MUÑOZ MOLINA, 7 MAY 2018 - 12:08 EDT En Granada, en la Facultad de Letras, un conato o una...
Presión evaluative desde pequeños
Michael Apple, experto en pedagogía crítica, y Cristián Warnken despedazan "preuniversitario" para niños de 3 años por MARCO FAJARDO 9 mayo, 2018 Actualmente, educadoras y psicopedagogas preparan a los menores por un periodo que va de un par de meses hasta un año, en...
Homenaje en recuerdo de Tom Wolfe
White Suit, Gray Eminence When I first encountered Tom Wolfe By Lawrence Biemiller MARCH 31, 2006 The exclamation points — how could I have forgotten the exclamation points? Two in the first two sentences, 10 on the third page, seven in a mere five lines on page 11....
Trabajo académico bajo el managerialismo
Are You in a BS Job? In Academe, You’re Hardly Alone Specta Films C.E.P.E.C., Les Films de Mon Oncle By David Graeber MAY 06, 2018 PREMIUM Iwould like to write about the bullshitization of academic life: that is, the degree to which those involved in teaching...
Ataques a colegios a nivel global
Attacks on Education Worsening Globally, Study Shows HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on schools and universities, their students, and staff have become more widespread over the last five years, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from...
Nueva Escocia, Canadá: ¿más Estado, regulación, menos financiamiento?
MARCH 4, 2024 | ALEX USHER One Thought to Start Your Day Nova Scotia and the Politics of Listening I know, I...
La lectura y las pantallas
Mihael Kovač, experto en lectura y el efecto de las pantallas: “Quienes mejor usan los ordenadores son grandes...
Inicio del año escolar
Inicio del año escolar El inicio del año escolar ofrece una radiografía de nuestro sistema y de las políticas...
México: La educación entre 2018 y 2024 – la pospandemia
La educación entre 2018 y 2024: Retorno a las aulas sin un proceso de recuperación Manuel Gil Antón, 4 marzo, 2024...