Columnistas Domingo 10 de marzo de 2019 Experiencias comparadas de selección escolar "Seleccionar por desempeño académico no es un tema únicamente chileno, ni una rareza de nuestro sistema escolar o un torcido propósito de política educativa. Sino un mecanismo de uso...
Usher sobre ayudas estudiantiles: claves contemporáneas
View as Webpage Income Share Agreements Part 1 March 4th, 2019 - Alex Usher Every once in awhile, someone comes up a “new” concept in student financing and people get very excited about it. As in most other policy fields, the “newness” is a matter of perspective and...
Gasto de las familias en Educación
The World’s Families: Hidden Funders of Education By Friedrich Huebler and Elise Legault, Programme Specialists at the UNESCO Institute for Statistics This blog was also published by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). We know too little about education...
U de California deja caer a Elsevier
Books And Publishing UC Drops Elsevier After months of negotiating over open-access fees and paywalls, the University of California System follows through on threat to cancel its journal subscription deal with Elsevier. By Lindsay McKenzie March 1, 2019 10 COMMENTS...
Polémica Usher versus Collini – Visiones de la universidad (inglesa)
What is Stefan Collini For? February 15th, 2019 - Alex Usher If you follow UK higher education at all you’ve almost certainly come across the writing of Stefan Collini, most likely in the Guardian or the London Review of Books. He’s not a higher education specialist...
¿El fin de las universidades?
¿El fin de las universidades? Muchos se preguntan si ha llegado el fin de las universidades o, por lo menos, del modelo de provisión de educación superior tras la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías digitales. Otto Granados es presidente del Consejo Asesor de la OEI....
Racionamiento de creditos estudiantiles en países seleccionados
View as Webpage Rationing Loans February 8th, 2019 - Alex Usher While student loans are cheaper (and hence more commonly used) than grants, they still cost money, both in terms of interest subsidies and in terms of loan losses through loan defaults. As a result,...
Créditos estudiantiles funcionan, Alex Usher
Loans Work February 5th, 2019 - Alex Usher If you spend any time looking at student aid research, you’ll be struck by how much empirical evidence there is on the effectiveness of grants (or, more broadly, “changes in net tuition”), and how little there is in terms...
Grupo Laureate: ajustes y proyecciones
BRIEF For-profit Laureate sells St. Augustine for $400M, holds onto Walden U By Ben Unglesbee, Feb. 7, 2019 Dive Brif For-profit college operator Laureate Education has completed a sale of its University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) school to the...
Polarización de la riqueza entre universidades de USA
This Is Higher Education’s Gilded Age Natalya Balnova for The Chronicle Review By Brian Rosenberg FEBRUARY 03, 2019 PREMIUM Michael Bloomberg announced in November that he was making a gift of $1.8 billion to his alma mater, the Johns Hopkins University. For the...
Universidades chilenas en Ranking de impacto según THE – 2023
EXPLORE IMPACT RANKINGS FOR INDIVIDUAL SDGS (ver metodología de cálculo al final de la Tabla de posiciones) Rank Name...
El capital en la nube
Somos humildes siervos de los señores de la nube: bienvenidos al tecnofeudalismo Un nuevo capital mutante ha matado y...
Leer en casa y ventaja escolar
Los niños que leen en casa con sus padres llevan medio curso de ventaja respecto a los que no lo hacen La diferente...
Libertad académica en disputa en EEUU
The Fight Over Academic Freedom Amid spiraling campus speech debates, many professors are rallying in defense of a...