The New Ph.D. Momentum grows to rewrite the rules of graduate training By Marc Parry February 16, 2020 PREMIUM (c) Meg Berkobien couldn’t do it anymore. She’d finished about three-quarters of a doctoral dissertation in comparative literature. Her advisers at the...
Consultas antes de definir políticas: Inglaterra y Australia
How to Make Policy February 12th 2020 - Alex Usher Take a ride with me. First stop, London, England. UK university funding is handled by an intermediate institution known as the Office for Students (OfS). The Government decides on the amount of money it wants to spend...
¿Investigación interdisciplinaria?
Is interdisciplinary research really the best way to tackle global challenges? Politicians, funders and university leaders all intone the mantra of interdisciplinarity. But what does the concept really mean? Will it really yield the insights it promises? And how best...
Acuerdo IESALC – OEI
educación superior en Iberoamérica FIRMA DE CONVENIO DE COLABORACIÓN ENTRE LA OEI Y LA UNESCO-IESALC PARA IMPULSAR LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN IBEROAMÉRICA 11 FEBRERO, 2020 El secretario general de la OEI, Mariano Jabonero, y el director de la UNESCO-IESALC, Francesc...
Nuevo paradigma para la educación: reporte de una conferencia
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to send you the report on the Fourth International Conference on Future Education, which was held on November 11-13, 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia. It has been prepared on the basis of the recordings made during the event and the...
Población educada al 2100
STATISTICS Global Education by Max Roser and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina (Our World in Data)
Federico Mayor Zaragoza: si visión de la educación
“Cuestión esencial: la Educación, los educadores” Other News, Feb 4 2020Por Federico Mayor Zaragoza* La educación es, como la justicia, la sanidad y la ciencia, tema supra-partido político. Se dirige a todos los ciudadanos, sin discriminación alguna, y no puede...
Simon Marginson: Universidades británicas tras el Brexit
How should the UK position itself in the new geopolitics of higher education? With Brexit, we’re on the precipice of a new world order, but UK universities have first mover advantage if they act fast, says Simon Marginson January 30, 2020 By Simon Marginson Tomorrow...
Ideas para reformar la admisión: debate en los EEUU
How to Stand Up for Equity in Admissions? Experts Share 5 Ideas By Eric Hoover JANUARY 28, 2020 PREMIUM Los Angeles On Tuesday morning, Robert J. Massa described a daunting goal: Restoring the public’s faith in the admissions process. At the University of Southern...
Libertad de expresión de estudiantes Chinos en el exterior
Free Speech for Whom? The arrest and sentencing of a Chinese student at the University of Minnesota for tweets he posted while studying in the U.S. raise concerns about restrictions on Chinese students' speech. By Elizabeth Redden January 31, 2020 News that a...
Estudiantes, UCH y la academia frente a la guerra en Gaza
Estudiantes, UCH y la academia frente a la guerra en Gaza por José Joaquín Brunner, 19 junio, 2024 Los últimos días...
Sobre educación y la ciudad
José Joaquín Brunner reflexiona sobre el modelo híbrido de proximidad y distancia entre las escuelas y los hogares...
Universidades latinoamericanas pierden posiciones en ranking QS
Latin American universities lose more ground in rankings 07 June 2024 Latin America’s higher education system...
“Acampes” en universidades británicas: diversidad de respuestas
Legal action over Gaza encampments on UK campuses Queen Mary and Birmingham go down legal route, as Swansea students...