Lorella Lopresti, profesora feminista: “El sistema educativo tradicional es un espacio de disciplinamiento del patriarcado” Por Daniela González / Foto: Alejandra González 15 MAR 2022 08:28 AM Directora y cofundadora del primer colegio que se declaró antipatriarcal en...
Derecho a recibir educación sexual integral logra los 2/3 en la Convención y entra a propuesta de nueva Carta Magna
Derecho a recibir educación sexual integral logra los 2/3 en la Convención y entra a propuesta de nueva Carta Magna El pleno del órgano constituyente visó además otros ocho artículos completos e incisos de varias normas más. Entre ellas, la que consagra los derechos...
Formación ciudadana en universidades
Rising to the challenge of educating concerned citizens Sjur Bergan 05 March 2022 When I was asked, at a recent conference organised by the Yehuda Elkana Centre at the Central European University, to speak about whether universities should educate ‘more concerned...
Universidades y el Día de la Mujer
SPECIAL EDITION Gender equality has come a long way since International Women’s Day was founded 111 years ago. In many ways, universities have been a positive force in this journey. But there is still far to go. Our new data-led report marking International Women’s...
La universidad en la guerra de Ucrania
War Is the Enemy of Education Ukrainian universities close, and Putin cracks down on Russian scholars. By Ani Kokobobo MARCH 7, 2022 All university activities have ceased in Ukraine. No classes, no research, no students, no staff, no faculty. Professors from the Kyiv...
Inglaterra: Financiamiento educación superior
Augar response: ‘highest earners benefit’ in student loan revamp Westminster government unveils major student finance changes creating ‘more sustainable’ system, as sector voices concern on minimum entry bar plan February 24, 2022 John Morgan The Westminster...
Ciencia abierta: perspectiva europea
New strategy pushes universities to embrace open science Nic Mitchell 10 February 2022 The European University Association (EUA) has set out a radical vision to support its 850 member institutions in 48 European countries to move to an open science system that...
Sobre misión de la universidad: ¿la verdad o su búsqueda?
The Purpose of a University Isn’t Truth. It’s Inquiry. Defenders of academic freedom forget this at their own peril. By Amna Khalid and Jeffrey Aaron Snyder FEBRUARY 10, 2022 At the moment, there are at least 38 bills in state legislatures across the country...
Ayuda estudiantil: perspectiva comparada
One Thought to Start Your Day The Twelve Student Aid Programs That Matter February 9, 2022 | Alex Usher One of the challenges of trying to do large-scale global comparative higher education work is focusing. It’s a big world out there – and there are so many...
Alex Usher: Big Consulting en la educación superior
How Big Consulting thinks about Higher Education February 7, 2022 | Alex Usher A couple of weeks ago, David Kernohan at WonkHE, wrote a wonderfully cutting little piece about a new Ernst & Young report calling for a “fundamental re-think” of higher education, and...
Conversación sobre educación y CAE
Sep 23 2024 José Joaquín Brunner y debate por CAE: “El Gobierno está consciente de que no es posible hacer una...
Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia en América Latina
Segundo Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia en América Latina Septiembre 2024 | Diálogo...
Brendan Cantwell y Alex Usher conversan sobre educación superior si Trump es elegido
The World of Higher Education SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 | ALEX USHER Watch on Youtube Listen to the Podcast Hi everyone. I'm...
Universidades holandesas: Paridad de género
Research universities attain gender parity in top leadership Liz Newmark 11 September 2024 Women today lead half of...