
Unesco conferencia Mundial 2022

UNESCO reaffirms higher education as a right and a public good Yojana Shama  20 May 2022 The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022 opened this week in Barcelona in Spain, reaffirming the importance of higher education as a public good and a human right, and...

Post Covid: ¿Oportunidad perdida?

US ‘risks missing out’ on long-term benefits of online learning Virtual tools have unprecedented power to bend teaching towards research-proven ideals, yet opportunity of lockdown getting squandered, MIT experts tell colleagues May 11, 2022 Paul Basken US universities...

Ranking THE universidades según impacto 2022

Expanded impact rankings reflect rising interest in SDGs UWN reporter  30 April 2022 A record 1,524 institutions from 110 countries or regions have participated in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings this year, a 23% increase since last year, reflecting...

Llamado UNESCO

WHEC2022 Youth strategy Art Call  Dear YOUth community, Do you wish to be part of the UNESCO Higher Education (HED) change?   UNESCO is launching the Arts YOUth call to raise your voices through art and change HED systems at the upcoming World Higher Education...

Ranking QS por disciplinas y areas de conocimiento

US universities lead in 28 of 51 subjects ranked by QS University World News reporter  16 April 2022 In terms of the number of world’s top-10 programmes, the United States dominates this year’s QS World University Rankings by Subject with 239, followed by the United...

Jorge Volpi sobre la violencia en México

Jorge Volpi: “A nadie le importa ya contar los muertos en México” El autor investiga en su nueva novela, ‘Partes de guerra’, los orígenes de la violencia y se pregunta qué convierte a un grupo de niños en criminales El escritor Jorge Volpi en una entrevista para EL...

K. Becerra: Sobre los bienes comunes

Un necesario cambio de perspectiva Por Katherine Becerra, profesora de Derecho Público, Universidad Católica del Norte, 23-abril 2022 La consagración de los bienes comunes naturales en el proyecto de nueva Constitución es una victoria de la sociedad civil que viene...

Ranking US News bajo la lupa

Do the ‘U.S. News’ Rankings Rely on Dubious Data? Researchers who submit to the publication say survey answers are subject to errors, ambiguity, and pressure to look good. By Francie Diep APRIL 6, 2022 Robert Morse, the lead designer of U.S. News & World Report’s...