DESIGNING A UNIVERSITY FROM SCRATCH (I) APRIL 4, 2018 | ALEX USHER I’ve recently been reading a fascinating book entitled Building the Intentional University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education which essentially is an operating manual for the Minerva Schools...
La nueva cruzada de las “universidades ciudadanas”
La nueva cruzada de las "universidades ciudadanas" 6 de abril, 2018 La U. Austral, U. de Concepción y la U. Técnica Federico Santa María no quieren seguir siendo comparadas con los planteles privados creados después de 1981. Pese a ser también privadas, aseguran que...
Revista International Higher Education: nuevo número
International Higher Education is also published in these languages: Russian edition Chinese edition Spanish edition Portuguese edition Vietnamese edition French edition OPEN JO Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other Journals Home > No 93 International Higher...
Esquemas de ayuda estudiantil comparados
An International Final Four: Which Country Handles Student Debt Best? In America, college student loan defaults are a really big problem. In Australia? No worries. By Matthew Chingos and Susan Dynarski, April 2, 2018 We chose these nations to learn from the...
Inauguración año académico UC Temuco
Presentación usada como base para la conferencia de inauguración del año académico de la Universidad Católica de Temuco sobre "Estado de la Educación Superior en el mundo: Claves para el desarrollo de las universidades regionales", dictada el día 26 de marzo de 2018....
Información de gran interés: Education Research Network
We are pleased to announce the creation of the Education Research Network (EduRN), with 12 eJournals focusing on major areas of scholarship. SSRN's newest network provides a worldwide online community for education scholars and for the sharing of ideas across a broad...
Robots científicos
Better, Faster, Smarter? The automation of science The A.Ideas series presents opinion and views around artificial intelligence emerging from discussions at the OECD Conference "AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies". Prof. Ross King from The University of...
Un fallo gravemente erróneo
Miércoles 28 de marzo de 2018 Un fallo gravemente erróneo Carlos Peña: " decisión del Tribunal Constitucional deforma la índole de la universidad, una institución cuyo principio de legitimidad no debe derivar de la propiedad...". Hay un aspecto en la decisión del...
Educación de jóvenes inmigrantes
What can education systems do to support students with immigrant backgrounds? Posted: 19 Mar 2018 04:30 AM PDT by Francesca Borgonovi,mSenior Analyst Large-scale migration is starting to radically alter the makeup of today’s classrooms, bringing a new wave of social,...
¿Revolución educacional de Macron?
Macron’s Education Revolution Mar 7, 2018 PHILIPPE AGHION , BENEDICTE BERNERFrench President Emmanuel Macron has drawn fire for his pro-growth economic reforms, which some critics have characterized as giveaways to corporations and the wealthy. But, when considered...
Sobre resultados PISA a nivel internacional
José Saturnino Martínez: “En el informe PISA pesa más ser coreano que estudiar en Corea” El profesor de Sociología,...
La prohibición de conocer como principio educativo
Teaching Ignorance in Florida Prohibitions on knowledge draw attention to what they prohibit. By Peter Brooks...
Un ejercicio con IA y sus limites
An AI-informed discussion of research methods in digital learning Tony Bates, January 12, 2024 Each year I do a...
Harvard y MIT: IA aplicada al acceso y retención
After pioneering edX, Harvard and MIT tackle online access afresh With Axim, elite university duo looks to aid...