
Más universidades entran al juego de los MOOCs

MOOC Provider edX More Than Doubles Its University Partners May 21, 2013, 3:07 pm By Jeffrey R. Young Fifteen more universities have agreed to offer free massive open online courses through edX, a nonprofit provider of MOOCs founded by the Massachusetts Institute of...

Formación universitaria: vocacional o teórico

  Music and the ‘Mickey Mouse’ degree debate Times Higher Education, 10 OCTOBER 2013 Discord over vocational and theoretical aspects of music study in the 19th century still resonates in today’s debates about higher education’s purpose SOURCE: UNIVERSITY OF...

Extenso reportaje sobre Laureate a nivel global

 Going Global Elizabeth Redden and Paul Fein, Inside Higher ED, October 10, 2013   Laureate Education is big. Like 800,000 students attending 78 institutions in 30 countries big. Yet the privately held for-profit university system has largely remained out of the...

Valor de la educación en medio de la crisis

Aprender y formarse sigue siendo rentable La crisis está demostrando que la tasa de desempleo de los no formados es muy superior a la de los universitarios María del Carmen Gallastegui , El País,  5 OCT 2013   El pasado miércoles, oí por la radio a un joven que...

Corrupción en la educación superior

The Chronicle of Higher Education October 1, 2013 Corruption in Higher Education Appears to Be on the Rise Globally, Report Says By Aisha Labi Corruption in higher education is nothing new, probably existing since the first college opened its doors. But as more people...

Más sobre Ranking THE

Those Times Higher Education World Rankings (2013-14 Edition) Posted on October 4, 2013 by Alex Usher So, yesterday saw the release of the latest round of the THE rankings.  They were a bit of a damp squib, and not just for Canadian schools (which really didn’t move...

Nuevo ranking THE 2013-2014

La información completa aquí: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/ For the third year in a row, CalTech keeps its place at the top of Times Higher Education's 2013 rankings of the top 100 universities worldwide. Harvard University moves up...

Novedades en la Educación de Personas Jóvenes y Adultas

Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas acaba de publicar 9 artículos del número especial de Contextos, preguntas, respuestas: ¿Qué es novedoso en la Educación de Personas Jóvenes y Adultas? Editoras convidadas Sandra Regina Sales & Jane Paiva. El artículo que...