The Collapsing Demand for Law School Posted on February 8, 2013 by Alex Usher If there is one place bucking the worldwide trend of rising higher education enrolments, it’s American law schools. As the New York Times noted last week, demand for US law schools is down...
Documento de María José Ramírez, publicado en la SABER working paper series, Tertiary Education, del Banco Mundial. ©2012 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/TheWorldBank 1818HStreetNW Washington DC...
La investigación sobre directores de colegios: estado del arte sobre su efectividad
Documento dado a conocer en estos dís por la Wallace Foundation sobre el rol que juegan los directores en sus colegios. Documento disponible: School-Principal-as-Leader, 2013 (2,7 MB). THE PRINCIPAL AS LEADER: AN OVERVIEW Education research shows that most school...
Admisión: mérito versus privilegio, habilidades no-cognitivas e instrumentos de medición
Tres recientes columnas de opinión de Eric Hoover aparecidas en The Chronicle of Higher Education referidas al debate sobre procesos de admisión en las universidades de los Estados Unidos. Eric Hoover is a senior writer who covers admissions, student...
El debate norteamericano sobre costo/calidad en la educación superior
Better, not Cheaper A. Usher, HESA-Blog, January 14, 2013 If there is one clear meme concerning higher education coming out of America during this recession, it’s this: “higher education is too expensive and it’s delivering a sub-optimal product.” Zeitgeist statements...
Entrevista al Superintendente de Educación Superior
Entrevista al Superintendente Salazar en Diario Financiero Octubre 6, 2024 Este viernes (4 de octubre), la...
Reforma expansiva de la educación superior en Finlandia
New target set of 50% of young people going to university Dorothy Lepkowska 04 October 2024 Finland has announced the...
Aprender a conocer
Aprender a conocer José Joaquín Brunner, Domingo 06 de octubre de 2024 En 1981, Buckminster Fuller, un visionario...
Prioridades de universidades europeas: internacionalización y tercera misión
Third mission, internationalisation are top HE priorities Nic Mitchell 03 October 2024 A survey of nearly 500 higher...