Grover J. "Russ" Whitehurst | November 20, 2013 11:00am New Evidence Raises Doubts on Obama’s Preschool for All Last week legislation was introduced in the Senate and House to create federally funded universal pre-k for 4-year-olds. The details of the...
Retornos a la literacy: evidencia comparativa
Tazeen Fasih, Harry Anthony Patrinos, Chris Sakellariou Functional Literacy, Heterogeneity and the Returns to Schooling: Multi-Country Evidence Policy Research Working Paper 6697 Bajar el documento aquí <pdf> Abstract Little is known about which of the...
Cómo evaluar resultados de aprendizaje en la educación superior
How Best to Assess? Inside Higher ED, November 18, 2013 By Serena Golden ST. LOUIS – As the Obama administration pushes ahead on a controversial plan to create a new federal system for rating colleges – with a focus on affordability, access and outcomes – the subject...
Primera generación en la educación superior: la cuestión del capital cultural
Building Students' 'Cultural Capital' November 5, 2013 By Doug Lederman PITTSBURGH -- Students who are the first in their families to attend college face a set of disadvantages in terms of college enrollment, persistence and graduation -- a vexing problem, to be sure,...
Sobre el más reciente libro de Derek Bok
Change in higher education blog de Daniel Little, October 26, 2013 Thera are a couple of former university presidents whose opinions seem particularly insightful on the subject of the strengths and weaknesses of universities today. One is Michael McPherson, formerly...
Cómo evaluar profesores en las Facultades de Educación
The Education Faculty November 4, 2013 By Scott Jaschik Schools of education need to improve the way they evaluate faculty members -- whether on or off the tenure track -- according to two reports released Friday by the American Educational Research Association. One...
Alumnos de alto logro entre estudiantes de bajos ingresos
Infographic | March 21, 2013 Key Findings from "The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income Students" Download the paper (3.2 MB) A study presented by Caroline M. Hoxby and Christopher Avery at the Spring 2013 Conference on the Brookings Papers on Economic...
Destrezas comparadas de jóvenes en los EEUU
Measuring America’s Decline, in Three Charts Posted by John Cassidy, The New Yorker, October 23, 2013 In recent years, a number of international surveys have raised alarms that the United States is falling behind other countries in terms of educational achievement....
Escuelas efectivas: ¿más insumos o mejores prácticas docentes?
Getting Beneath the Veil of Effective Schools: Evidence From New York City By Will Dobbie and Roland G. Fryer, Jr. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2013, 5(4): 28–60 In this paper, we collect data on the inner-workings...
Atención: ¿quien pone atención en la sala de clase?
Texting in Class Inside Higher ED, October 21, 2013 By Scott Jaschik If you are leading a class and imagine that students seem more distracted than ever by their digital devices, it's not your imagination. And they aren't just checking their e-mail a single time. A...
Argentina: Evolución del financiamiento educativo
Evolución del financiamiento educativo Alejandro Morduchowicz (especialista en planeamiento y políticas educativas),...
Cumbre latinoamericana de educación superio
Cumbre latinoamericana de educación superior en la UNCUYO Diecinueve especialistas que conforman el Grupo Cartagena se...
Remuneraciones académicas, entrevista con Matilde Burgos
Exministro Brunner por salario de $17 millones de Marcela Cubillos: “Es un sueldo que se ve poco en la realidad...
Entrevista con Alejandro Repenning
Con José Joaquín Brunner conversamos sobre el CAE y más! Ver/escuchar aquí