The Most Economically Diverse Top Colleges To measure top colleges’ efforts on economic diversity, The Upshot calculated a College Access Index, based on the share of freshmen in recent years who came from low-income families (measured by the share receiving a Pell...
Qué pasa con las humanidades en los EEUU
Humanities: Still Here September 8, 2014 By Scott Jaschik Maybe the sky didn't fall on the humanities after all. The new edition of "The Humanities Indicators," being released today by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, suggests much more stability in...
Circula nuevo Boletín International Higher Education
Open Journal Systems We are in the process of importing the 20 years of IHE archives to the OJS system. Until the process is complete, you can find all our previous issues on CIHE's website: Journal Content Search...
Ranking sobre inclusión social para la educación superior en EEUU
How Economically Diverse Is Your College? A 'New York Times’ Ranking May Soon Tell “Our project is much more of an analysis than it is any attempt at a comprehensive ranking,” says David Leonhardt, who heads The Upshot, the 'Times' division that will produce the new...
Accountability de colegios por aprendizajes significativos
Citation: Darling-Hammond, L., Wilhoit, G., & Pittenger, L. (2014). Accountability for college and career readiness: Developing a new paradigm. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(86). Abstract: As schools across the...
MIT y cursos / módulos en línea
Wired Campus The latest on tech and education. August 5, 2014 by Jeffrey R. Young, the Chronicle of Higher Education Are Courses Outdated? MIT Considers Offering ‘Modules’ Instead People now buy songs, not albums. They read articles, not newspapers. So why not mix...
La formación general como desafío en el contexto latinoamericano
Presentación de base empleada durante el Taller y la Conferencia "La formación universitaria general en el contexto Latinoamericano", realizados en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), en su sede de Azcapotzalco, 14 y 15 de julio de 2014. Bajar la...
Llamado a presentar ponencias para la Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2015
Call For Proposals The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) seeks submissions for its 59th Annual Conference, taking place from March 8-13, 2015 at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. The 2015 CIES Planning Committee welcomes quality...
Aprendizajes respecto de los MOOCs
June 27, 2014 bySteve Kolowich 5 Things Researchers Have Discovered About MOOCs In December 2013 a group of academics gathered during a Texas snowstorm and began the second phase of a discussion about massive open online courses. They were not...
Estándares internacionales de calidad para la educación superior
INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONAL QUALITY STANDARDS The CHEA International Quality Group Policy Brief #3 explores what it would mean to establish a single set of international quality standards for higher education and looks at the benefits,...
Financiamiento de la investigación
Nuevo FIU: ¿Impulso a la Investigación y Desarrollo o engrosar el financiamiento basal para universidades? Si bien son...
Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil
Nuevos aportes al debate sobre la propuesta de financiamiento de la educación superior y condonación parcial del CAE....
Calidad del profesorado en la educación superior
La calidad del profesorado en la educación superior: un reto mundial En el Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para...
Nuevos aportes al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil
En días pasados hemos presentado diversos puntos de vista sobre esta materia, Visiones sobre financiamiento...