Estados Unidos

Sobre plan Obama para un ranking de universidades

Today's News Government More Metrics, More Problems: Breaking Down Obama’s College-Ratings Plan By Katherine Mangan and Beckie Supiano Just because we know which measures could factor into the plan doesn’t mean the controversy will subside. Here’s a guide to 11...

Llamado a publicar

Comparative and International Higher Education (CIHE) Thematic Issue Comparative and International Higher Education is the official newsletter of the Comparative and Inter-national Education Society’s (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG), which was...

Responsable de educación de Nueva York opina

“Tener educación no te hace inteligente. Eso lo aprendí en mi casa” Carmen Fariña vuelve como responsable de Educación de Nueva York. Hija de gallegos, afronta el reto de cambiar el sistema Vicente Jiménez 3 AGO 2014 - 00:00 CEST31 “En casa siempre hablábamos español....

Reciente informe sobre brecha de destrezas en EEUU

9 recommendations for closing higher ed's workplace skills gap  By Keith Button | October 29, 2014 print One of the latest assaults on the ivory tower comes from the New America think tank, which recently published a report on the gap between what higher education...