Dear Readers, Education Policy Analysis Archives has just published seven articles for the Special Issue on: The Comparative and International History of School Accountability and Testing, Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Sherman Dorn and Dr. Christian Ydesen. 1. Dorn,...
Reacción negativa de republicanos frente al ranking de universidades propuesto por la Casa Blanca
El marco conceptual del plan de la Casa Blanca se encuentra framework-invitation-comment Dive Brief: Congressional Republicans are gearing up their opposition to the Obama college ratings plan, even before the details of the plan are revealed. Politico details the...
Sobre plan Obama para un ranking de universidades
Today's News Government More Metrics, More Problems: Breaking Down Obama’s College-Ratings Plan By Katherine Mangan and Beckie Supiano Just because we know which measures could factor into the plan doesn’t mean the controversy will subside. Here’s a guide to 11...
Cómo en Nueva York de Blassio pone en marcha la reforma educacional
De Blasio Unveils New Plans for Troubled Schools in New York By ELIZABETH A. HARRISNOV. 3, 2014 In the packed auditorium of an East Harlem high school, Mayor Bill de Blasioannounced a new approach to fixing New York City’s most troubled public schools on Monday,...
Llamado a publicar
Comparative and International Higher Education (CIHE) Thematic Issue Comparative and International Higher Education is the official newsletter of the Comparative and Inter-national Education Society’s (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG), which was...
Responsable de educación de Nueva York opina
“Tener educación no te hace inteligente. Eso lo aprendí en mi casa” Carmen Fariña vuelve como responsable de Educación de Nueva York. Hija de gallegos, afronta el reto de cambiar el sistema Vicente Jiménez 3 AGO 2014 - 00:00 CEST31 “En casa siempre hablábamos español....
Reciente informe sobre brecha de destrezas en EEUU
9 recommendations for closing higher ed's workplace skills gap By Keith Button | October 29, 2014 print One of the latest assaults on the ivory tower comes from the New America think tank, which recently published a report on the gap between what higher education...
Medidas exitosas para reducir la deserción: evidencia y posibilidades
High Impact, Low Participation Inside Higher ED, September 18, 2014 By Paul Fain Community colleges now have solid data on which strategies work best to help students get to graduation. While more colleges are using those techniques, far too few students are...
Sobre el ranking de universidades que prepara el gobierno Obama
The Chronicle of Higher Education , September 15, 2014 4 Key Questions Experts Are Asking About Obama’s College-Ratings Plan By Max Lewontin Washington President Obama’s proposed federal college-ratings system is set to be released in time for the 2015 academic year,...
Tendencias de la profesión académica en los EEUU.
Tendencias de la profesión académica en los EEUU: cifras y opiniones en The Chronicle of HigherEducation, 17 de septiembre de 2014. Ver en:
Financiamiento para la Educación Superior (FES) y deudores CAE
Fin al CAE: Comienza análisis del Financiamiento para la Educación Superior (FES) En la sesión participó el ministro...
En recuerdo de Georg Krücken
Message to CHER Members from the CHER Board of Governors The CHER community is profoundly saddened by the death of...
Crisis educacional y rol docente: tres contribuciones En la sesión ordinaria...
Nuevos aportes al debate FES, CAE, gratuidad: versiones y revisions
Anteriores entradas: Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil Nuevos aportes al debate sobre...