The End of College? (Part 1) Posted on March 11, 2015 by Alex Usher Over the next couple of days, I want to talk a bit about a new book called The End of College, written by the New America Foundation’s Kevin Carey. It’s an important book not just because it’s been...
¿Nuevo paradigma de accountability escolar? Cuatro contribuciones
Education Policy Analysis Archives has just published four articles and four videos for the first part of the Special series on A New Paradigm for Educational Accountability: Accountability for Professional Practice. Guest Series Edited by Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond....
Aranceles y mucho más
The Great Challenge in Tertiary Education: Is it really just about the fees? SUBMITTED BY FRANCISCO MARMOLEJO ON FRI, 02/06/2015 // Education for Global Development The title of the recent blog written by my colleague Harry Patrinos couldn’t be more direct and clear:...
Monitoreo del emplea de graduados PhD
Tracking the Elusive Ph.D. Where do Ph.D. recipients end up in five years? In 10? A comprehensive project organized by the Council of Graduate Schools hopes to find out. By Vimal Patel, January 22, 2015 Due in part to a weakening academic job market, some colleges and...
Pequeños apoyos para ayudar a estudiantes y familias vulnerables
Helping the Poor in Education: The Power of a Simple Nudge By SUSAN DYNARSKI, January 17, 2015 There are enormous inequalities in education in the United States. A child born into a poor family has only a 9 percent chance of getting a college degree, but the odds are...
Nuevo International Higher Education (IHE)
Open Journal Systems Home > No 79 International Higher Education The full current issue is available here International Higher Education (IHE) is the quarterly publication of the Center for International Higher Education. IHE publishes insightful, informed, and...
Un libro valioso para el verano
'Locus of Authority' By Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Education, January 5, 2015 The idea of shared governance probably conjures different notions for trustees, administrators and faculty members. But let’s say it’s a spectrum, with faculty advocates who want a say...
Más sobre ingreso libre a community colleges propuesto por Obama
Federal Promise Unveiled January 9, 2015 By Michael Stratford KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- President Obama traveled here Friday to make his first full-fledged pitch for tuition-free community college, as White House officials confirmed that the ambitious proposal would cost...
Gratuidad en community colleges en los EEUU: un planteamiento razonable
Two Years of Free Community College January 9, 2015 By Paul Fain President Obama is going big with his higher education announcement in Tennessee on Friday. He wants to make the first two years of community college as free as high school. “To make sure that community...
Sobre el futuro de los MOOC y de los grados
TECNOLOGÍA “La tecnología permitirá que los universitarios construyan sus títulos con partes de asignaturas” El asesor del MIT Eric Grimson asegura que muchos grados introducirán partes ‘online’ Este experto en los cursos masivos MOOC afirma que habrá grados 'a la...
Academic Management in Chilean Universities: An Analysis From Academics’ Perspective
Academic Management in Chilean Universities: An Analysis From Academics' Perspective José Joaquín Brunner | Mario...
América Latina: el costo de tener un título universitario
América Latina: el costo de tener un título universitario Victoria Dannemann, 18-10, 2024 Mientras en algunos países...
Publicaciones científicas a nivel global
Scientists around the world report millions of new discoveries every year − but this explosive research growth wasn’t...
Sexto Congreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación
Sexto Congreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación Estimadas y estimados participantes, ¡Estamos llenos...