FORMACIÓN Universidades disruptivas, así se enseña fuera de lo convencional Contenidos que se renuevan diariamente y proyectos con empresas reales en lugar de exámenes, entre las claves ANA TORRES MENÁRGUEZ Twitter Madrid 18 ABR 2016 - 20:26 CEST Hay...
Financiamiento de la educación superior: propuesta en EEUU
What's the best way to fix higher ed funding? By Tara García Mathewson | April 12, 2016 print share tweet post email Dive Brief: New America has already called for a new higher education funding plan that would offer students access without the need to take on debt,...
EEUU : Líderes universitarios piensan el futuro de la academia
8 higher ed thought leaders share words of wisdom at SXSWedu In 7-minute presentations, speakers talked everything from innovation to affordability By Roger Riddell | Education Dive, March 8, 2016 In one of the first sessions of SXSWedu 2016 in Austin, a group of...
El plan maestro de California por Alan Ryan
The California Master Plan: exemplar of a modern higher education sector The University of California System remains a model blueprint despite Berkeley’s travails, and one the UK would do well to copy, says Alan Ryan March 17, 2016 By Alan Ryan The THE World Academic...
¿Cuándo la gratuidad es para todos? Experiencia comparada
When is Free Tuition Free? Posted on March 1, 2016 by Alex Usher You would be forgiven, over the past 24 months or so, for growing ever more confused about when tuition is “free” and when it is not. The reason, in part, is that “free” tuition is in the eye of the...
Examen de ingreso a la educación superior
The Hechinger Newsletter High School Reform Many who pass state high school graduation tests show up to college unprepared So what do the exams, now being conducted in classrooms nationwide, actually measure? by LUBA OSTASHEVSKY February 18, 2016 Looking back on her...
Entrevista a Jeffrey Puryear: Una vida dedicada a América Latina
Entrevista a Jeffrey Puryear: Una vida dedicada a América Latina Feb 10 2016 Nos complace compartir con nuestros lectores la siguiente entrevista a Jeffrey Puryear, miembro distinguido del Diálogo Interamericano, realizada por Carmen García Guadilla. Luego de una...
Berkeley: El futuro de la universidad pública en EEUU
Can Berkeley Stay Berkeley? University announces major strategic planning initiative to address long-term budgetary concerns. Is it a canary in the coal mine or will it emerge as a model for other institutions seeking similar solutions? By Colleen Flaherty, Inside...
Nuevas visiones (innovaciones) para la provisión de educación superior
Los Angeles Times Opinion | November 6, 2015 We should make "going to college" be more like hiring a contractor By: Stuart M. Butler With a bachelor's degree now the must-have job credential, pressure is mounting to find ways to make college more affordable. Most...
Sociedad civil y educación: hacia una nueva lógica política
Sociedad civil y educación: hacia una nueva lógica política La educación no puede reducirse al debate público o privado, sino que debe enfocarse como la realización de un derecho fundamental de la persona ALFRED FERNÁNDEZ (CÁTEDRA UNESCO El País, 3 FEB 2016 - 09:55...
En recuerdo de Georg Krücken
Message to CHER Members from the CHER Board of Governors The CHER community is profoundly saddened by the death of...
Crisis educacional y rol docente: tres contribuciones En la sesión ordinaria...
Nuevos aportes al debate FES, CAE, gratuidad: versiones y revisions
Anteriores entradas: Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil Nuevos aportes al debate sobre...
Financiamiento de la investigación
Nuevo FIU: ¿Impulso a la Investigación y Desarrollo o engrosar el financiamiento basal para universidades? Si bien son...