Evidence of 'Liberal Academe' Study of public voter registration data shows that Democrats outnumber Republicans among social scientists, 11.5 to one. Does it matter? By Colleen Flaherty Inside HigherED, October 3, 2016 ECON JOURNAL WATCH Registered voter ratios,...
Ranking de US News & World Report
HIGHER ED New College Rankings Are Out: NPR Ed Rates The Rankings! September 13, 2016·6:00 AM ET ANYA KAMENETZ FacebookTwitter LA Johnson/NPR College presidents from High Point, N. C., to Laie, Hawaii, are sitting up a little straighter, because the 2017 U.S. News...
Los robots y el futuro de las profesiones
The robots are coming for the professionals Do universities need to rethink what they do and how they do it now that artificial intelligence is beginning to take over graduate-level roles? July 28, 2016 By David Matthews Twitter: @DavidMJourno Who do you think wrote...
H. Clinton y su propuesta de gratuidad para los menos ricos
How Clinton’s ‘Free College’ Could Cause a Cascade of Problems By Scott Carlson and Beckie Supiano JULY 27, 2016 PREMIUM Sam Kalda for The Chronicle The policy proposals of presidential campaigns aren’t often burdened by details or even...
En defensa de la universidad pública y su historia
En defensa de la universidad pública y su historia Universidades públicas y el carácter público de las universidades, una discusión que ha estado ausente en forma seria del debate sobre educación superior. José Joaquín Brunner , El Mercurio, 24 de julio 2016 Una...
Iniciativas de excelencia
Are Excellence Initiatives Working? July 12, 2016 - 5:25pm Jamil Salmi In order to accelerate the transformation process towards building “world-class” universities, a few governments - China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and Spain, for example - have launched...
George Steiner: “Estamos matando los sueños de nuestros niños”
EN PORTADA George Steiner: “Estamos matando los sueños de nuestros niños” A sus 88 años, el gran filósofo y ensayista denuncia en una lúcida entrevista que la mala educación amenaza el futuro de los jóvenes George Steiner, en su casa en Cambridge. ANTONIO OLMOS...
Plataforma candidata Clinton de educación superior
Clinton's 'Innovation Agenda' for Higher Ed The presumptive Democratic nominee for president expands on her higher education agenda with boosts for alternative education providers and technology entrepreneurs. June 29, 2016 By Carl Straumsheim Hillary Clinton on...
Corte Suprema USA: Fallo sobre discriminación positiva en acceso a universidades
As ‘Fisher’ Churned, Conversations About Campus Diversity Evolved Eric Hoover JUNE 24, 2016 Lawsuits move slowly, but the world spins fast. Since Abigail N. Fisher sued the University of Texas at Austin, 3,000 days have elapsed, bringing many changes to...
European universities compete with US in Arts and Humanities
European universities compete with US in Arts and Humanities The 2015-16 Times Higher Education university ranking for arts and humanities subjects shows European universities rising the ranks to compete with US top dogs. By Carly...
T. Snyder: ¿Qué es la libertad?
¿Qué es la libertad? La palabra más usada (y maltratada) en política La libertad no es solo la ausencia de barreras y...
Qué traerá consigo el segundo gobierno Trump
The second Trump term: Higher education braces for impact Nathan M Greenfield 08 November 2024 ‘Professors are the...
Conversaciones en torno al fogón
Ao pé da lareira By Simon Schwartzman on Nov 08, 2024 04:17 pm (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de novembro,...
Asia: Empleabilidad de graduados
Are universities to blame for rising youth unemployment in Asia? The rise of Asian higher education has coincided with...