The Idea That Launched a Thousand Strategic Plans By Dan Berrett JANUARY 22, 2017 PREMIUM A single idea has come to shape colleges’ plans for the future and assumptions about their role and purpose. It’s called the skills gap. Simply put, the skills gap is when...
Nominación para Seceretaría de Educación en los EEUU
The Battle Lines Over Betsy DeVos By Peter Schmidt JANUARY 24, 2017 PREMIUM WASHINGTON For all of their unanswered questions about Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, members of the Senate at least know where a lot of people stand on...
La academia y la presidencia Trump vista desde el Times Higher Education
A new frontier: US academia under President Trump John Morgan considers the impact on students and US scholars, and the political earthquake’s potential positives January 19, 2017 By John Morgan As a winter afternoon darkens into evening in Washington DC, about 100...
Asignación de recursos para investigación y docencia en universidades de los EEUU
Rational Actors Study suggests that number of students taught has relatively little to do with faculty salaries, but that universities act efficiently in allocating resources to teaching and research. By Colleen Flaherty January 11, 2017 A common criticism of the...
Free Market for education?
Free Market for education? Susan Dynarski, professor of education, public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, The New York Times, December 30, 2016 The odds are good that privatizing education will be part of the agenda for President-elect...
Trump y el carácter internacional de la educacion superior
Trump Is Undermining Higher Education as a Global Enterprise By Molly Land and Kathryn Libal JANUARY 31, 2017 There are many reasons to be outraged at President Trump’s recent executive order temporarily suspending refugee arrivals and barring individuals from Iraq,...
Proceso de nominación Ministra de Educación en EEUU
Why Trump’s Billionaire Nominee Has Awakened Such Fierce Opposition Copyright © 2017 The Chronicle of Higher Education By Eric Kelderman JANUARY 27, 2017 Betsy Devos has emerged as perhaps President Trump’s most-contentious cabinet pick. Secretaries of education have...
Gastar más en alumnos de hogares vulnerables sí importa
It Turns Out Spending More Probably Does Improve Education By KEVIN CAREY and ELIZABETH A. HARRIS DEC., The New York Times, 12, 2016 If you spend more on education, will students do better? Educators, politicians and unions have battled in court over that crucial...
Trump y las ideologías de derecha
Trump y las ideologías de derecha ¿Viajará esta ideología emergente -el trumpismo- y se difundirá, por ejemplo, hacia estas latitudes, en América Latina y en Chile? En esta parte del mundo no faltan antecedentes de derechas nacionalistas, autoritarias,...
Ministra de Educacion de Trump: Trayectoria ideológica
How Trump's Education Nominee Bent Detroit to Her Will on Charter Schhols By Kate Zernike, December 12, 2016 Few disagreed that schools in Detroit were a mess: a chaotic mix of charters and traditional public schools, the worst-performing in the nation. So city...
Universidades españolas en comparación
Razones para apostar por la Universidad La comparación con los países vecinos nos deja mal parados: España ocupa la...
Premios Nobel de 2024 y visiones de mundo
What do the 2024 Nobel prizes tell us about human society? Philip G Altbach and Tessa DeLaquil , 28 October 2024 The...
Intríngulis de una política pública
Intríngulis de una política pública Resulta inexplicable que el gobierno haya esperado prácticamente hasta el último...
Vol. 96 Núm. 1 (2024): El paisaje lingüístico y su impacto en contextos educativos
Este monográfico se centra en el paisaje lingüístico en el ámbito educativo. Se concibe el paisaje lingüístico como el...