Why Trump’s Billionaire Nominee Has Awakened Such Fierce Opposition Copyright © 2017 The Chronicle of Higher Education By Eric Kelderman JANUARY 27, 2017 Betsy Devos has emerged as perhaps President Trump’s most-contentious cabinet pick. Secretaries of education have...
Gastar más en alumnos de hogares vulnerables sí importa
It Turns Out Spending More Probably Does Improve Education By KEVIN CAREY and ELIZABETH A. HARRIS DEC., The New York Times, 12, 2016 If you spend more on education, will students do better? Educators, politicians and unions have battled in court over that crucial...
Trump y las ideologías de derecha
Trump y las ideologías de derecha ¿Viajará esta ideología emergente -el trumpismo- y se difundirá, por ejemplo, hacia estas latitudes, en América Latina y en Chile? En esta parte del mundo no faltan antecedentes de derechas nacionalistas, autoritarias,...
Ministra de Educacion de Trump: Trayectoria ideológica
How Trump's Education Nominee Bent Detroit to Her Will on Charter Schhols By Kate Zernike, December 12, 2016 Few disagreed that schools in Detroit were a mess: a chaotic mix of charters and traditional public schools, the worst-performing in the nation. So city...
Trump y educación preescolar: ¿qué esperar?
Details Awaited on Trump Team's Early-Ed. Path Shannon Murphy holds her 1-year-old son Tristan, as then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump delivers a speech on child care in Aston, Pa., earlier this fall. Early-childhood advocates are awaiting details on what the...
Efectos de educación preescolar
nprEd-HOW LEARNING HAPPENS Lesson For Preschools: When It's Done Right, The Benefits Last November 17, 201611:00 AM ET ELISSA NADWORNY Is preschool worth it? Policymakers, parents, researchers and us, at NPR Ed, have spent a lot of time thinking about this question....
1 millón estudiantes extranjeros en EEUU
Open Doors 2016: International Students in U.S. Top One Million for the First Time They Make Up Only 5 Percent of Students in U.S. Higher Education More U.S. Students Study Abroad and Pursue Experiential Learning Overseas Strong growth among students in STEM fields...
Trump y la academia: dos culturas en contratse
A Humbling of Higher Ed By Jack Stripling NOVEMBER 11, 2016 PREMIUM The elites. The know-it-alls. The pointy-headed people. The safe-spacers and the trigger-warners. The politically correct. Named and unnamed, these became the targets of the presidential campaign of...
¿Responsabilidad de la universidad en elección de Trump?
THE CHRONICLE REVIEW How Did Trump Get Elected? Take a Look in the Mirror By Richard Wolin NOVEMBER 11, 2016 PREMIUM Donald J. Trump’s victory is consistent with a global trend in favor of authoritarian national populism over the perceived inefficiencies and...
Libertad académica y Trump
AAUP warns Trump is national threat to academic freedom AUTHOR Jarrett Carter PUBLISHED Nov. 10, 2016 Dive Brief: The American Association of University Professors has issued a statement of rebuke for President Donald Trump, calling his election a threat to academic...
Financiamiento de la investigación
Nuevo FIU: ¿Impulso a la Investigación y Desarrollo o engrosar el financiamiento basal para universidades? Si bien son...
Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil
Nuevos aportes al debate sobre la propuesta de financiamiento de la educación superior y condonación parcial del CAE....
Calidad del profesorado en la educación superior
La calidad del profesorado en la educación superior: un reto mundial En el Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para...
Nuevos aportes al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil
En días pasados hemos presentado diversos puntos de vista sobre esta materia, Visiones sobre financiamiento...