The Academic Home of Trumpism By Jon Baskin MARCH 17, 2017 I arrived on the Claremont campus in search of the Straussians, but for the first hour all I could find were feminists. It was just before noon, and I was at the Motley, a student-run coffee shop and study...
Mirada desde el MIT al aprendizaje de los estudiantes
President turns MIT’s research might to study of how people learn ‘If we don’t know how we learn, how on earth do we know how to teach?’ says L. Rafael Reif, who tells Ellie Bothwell how the research giant is working to improve teaching practice March 23, 2017 By...
¿Qué hacer con el financiamiento estudiantil en EEUU?
The Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) WORKING PAPER 16 How to solve the US’s student financing crisis Nicholas Barr, Bruce Chapman, Lorraine Dearden and Susan Dynarski In a CGHE working paper published today, researchers show that the US could solve its...
Trump y su favoritismo por charter schools
DEVOS PROMOTES SCHOOL CHOICE, LOCAL CONTROL BY MARIA DANILOVA ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) -- Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Monday sought to convince public school leaders that school choice and local control are important in education. Speaking to members of...
Trump buscará recortar programas de educación superior y C y T
Trump Seeks Deep Cuts in Education and Science Proposals would keep Pell level, but cut work-study and TRIO and eliminate SEOG. In science, president would make massive cuts to NIH and research at Energy Department. And budget formally seeks to kill NEH and...
Gobierno Trump prepara recorte presupuesto federal de educación
Trump Sharpens Budget Knife for Education Department, Sources Say By Alyson Klein on March 13, 2017 12:19 PM The Trump administration is contemplating dramatic cuts to K-12 spending, including a possible $6 billion reduction to existing programs in the U.S. Department...
Alex Usher: Cómo financiar la educación superior (2)
How to Fund (2) Posted on February 15, 2017 by Alex Usher As I noted yesterday, in Canada we have some kind of phobia about output-based funding. In the 1990s, Ontario and Alberta introduced, and then later killed, key performance indicators with funding attached....
Uso del iPad en la docencia universitaria
One Campus’s iPad Revolution Results in Education Evolution Mark Lombardi, president, Maryville U. By Lee Gardner February 03, 2017 Mark Lombardi, president of Maryville University, in Missouri, describes some of the interesting changes it has recently made in the...
Gratuidad en perspectiva comparada: USA, Canadá y Chile
New York, New York Posted on February 8, 2017 by Alex Usher With the Republicans in control of both Congress and the White house for at least the next two years, the fight for “free tuition” is moving to the state level. And so to New York, where Governor Cuomo has...
DeVos Makes Clear She’ll Trash Rules That Curb Predatory Colleges
DeVos Makes Clear She’ll Trash Rules That Curb Predatory Colleges 01/31/2017 11:19 am ET | Updated 4 days ago The Huffington Post, 01/31/2017 11:19 am ET | Updated 4 days ago There were plenty of hints in the past few weeks, but now it seems clear as day: The...
Ministro Educación sobre educación superior
Cataldo defiende proyecto fin al CAE y destaca que no buscan consolidar solo un nuevo esquema de financiamiento...
Gobernanza universitaria y financiación
Gobernanza universitaria y financiación La LOSU, como sus predecesoras, también contradice el mantra de los consejos...
El trumpismo como metáfora: reflexión sobre el fin de la democracia liberal
El trumpismo como metáfora: reflexión sobre el fin de la democracia liberal La novedad actual consiste en que, de...
Trump y la ciencia
Trump’s anti-science appointees ‘drive demonisation of scholars’ With vaccine sceptics taking top White House posts,...