How to Fund (2) Posted on February 15, 2017 by Alex Usher As I noted yesterday, in Canada we have some kind of phobia about output-based funding. In the 1990s, Ontario and Alberta introduced, and then later killed, key performance indicators with funding attached....
Uso del iPad en la docencia universitaria
One Campus’s iPad Revolution Results in Education Evolution Mark Lombardi, president, Maryville U. By Lee Gardner February 03, 2017 Mark Lombardi, president of Maryville University, in Missouri, describes some of the interesting changes it has recently made in the...
Gratuidad en perspectiva comparada: USA, Canadá y Chile
New York, New York Posted on February 8, 2017 by Alex Usher With the Republicans in control of both Congress and the White house for at least the next two years, the fight for “free tuition” is moving to the state level. And so to New York, where Governor Cuomo has...
DeVos Makes Clear She’ll Trash Rules That Curb Predatory Colleges
DeVos Makes Clear She’ll Trash Rules That Curb Predatory Colleges 01/31/2017 11:19 am ET | Updated 4 days ago The Huffington Post, 01/31/2017 11:19 am ET | Updated 4 days ago There were plenty of hints in the past few weeks, but now it seems clear as day: The...
Brecha de destrezas (skills gap)
The Idea That Launched a Thousand Strategic Plans By Dan Berrett JANUARY 22, 2017 PREMIUM A single idea has come to shape colleges’ plans for the future and assumptions about their role and purpose. It’s called the skills gap. Simply put, the skills gap is when...
Nominación para Seceretaría de Educación en los EEUU
The Battle Lines Over Betsy DeVos By Peter Schmidt JANUARY 24, 2017 PREMIUM WASHINGTON For all of their unanswered questions about Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, members of the Senate at least know where a lot of people stand on...
La academia y la presidencia Trump vista desde el Times Higher Education
A new frontier: US academia under President Trump John Morgan considers the impact on students and US scholars, and the political earthquake’s potential positives January 19, 2017 By John Morgan As a winter afternoon darkens into evening in Washington DC, about 100...
Asignación de recursos para investigación y docencia en universidades de los EEUU
Rational Actors Study suggests that number of students taught has relatively little to do with faculty salaries, but that universities act efficiently in allocating resources to teaching and research. By Colleen Flaherty January 11, 2017 A common criticism of the...
Free Market for education?
Free Market for education? Susan Dynarski, professor of education, public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, The New York Times, December 30, 2016 The odds are good that privatizing education will be part of the agenda for President-elect...
Trump y el carácter internacional de la educacion superior
Trump Is Undermining Higher Education as a Global Enterprise By Molly Land and Kathryn Libal JANUARY 31, 2017 There are many reasons to be outraged at President Trump’s recent executive order temporarily suspending refugee arrivals and barring individuals from Iraq,...
Financiamiento para la Educación Superior (FES) y deudores CAE
Fin al CAE: Comienza análisis del Financiamiento para la Educación Superior (FES) En la sesión participó el ministro...
En recuerdo de Georg Krücken
Message to CHER Members from the CHER Board of Governors The CHER community is profoundly saddened by the death of...
Crisis educacional y rol docente: tres contribuciones En la sesión ordinaria...
Nuevos aportes al debate FES, CAE, gratuidad: versiones y revisions
Anteriores entradas: Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil Nuevos aportes al debate sobre...