A Parent’s Toughest Call: In-Person Schooling or Not? Parents are wrestling with difficult choices over sending their children to school. Here’s how one science reporter made the decision. By Apoorva Mandavilli, Sept. 1, 2020 All summer, as information about how the...
¿Puede culparse a los estudiantes de la educación superior por nuevos brotes de Covid-19?
The Student-Blaming Has Begun Is it fair to fault college students for Covid-19 outbreaks? By Katherine Mangan AUGUST 21, 2020 First came the reprimand: More than 100 first-year students who had gathered in Syracuse University’s quad (above), many without masks, to...
Estrategias de reapertura de la educación superior en USA
Here’s Our List of Colleges’ Reopening Plans By Chronicle Staff JULY 29, 2020 (Last updated at 10:17 a.m., Eastern, on August 22, 2020.) The coronavirus pandemic has left higher-education leaders facing difficult decisions about when to reopen campuses and how to go...
Depresión estudiantil en los EEUU en tiempos de Covid 19
Share of US postgraduates with depression ‘doubles’ amid pandemic Survey finds that rates of depression and anxiety more common among low-income, female, ethnic minority, LGBTQ and arts students August 18, 2020 Ellie Bothwell Dogged by the black dog 35 per cent of...
EEUU: Planes de reapertura de universidades
Universidades de EE.UU. fijan sus planes de reapertura Melissa Korn y Douglas Belkin/ The Wall Street Journal 06 de agosto de 2020 Los detonadores que podrían provocar un cambio en la mentalidad de las casas de estudios superiores son un aumento en las tasas de...
Al entrar a Zoom no solo perdimos el salón de clases
Opinión COMENTARIO Al entrar a Zoom no solo perdimos el salón de clases El mito de que la educación contribuye a vencer la desigualdad social se ha hecho añicos con la pandemia. Por Karen Strassler, 8 de mayo de 2020 Cuando la vida era normal, mis estudiantes y yo nos...
Tendencias en la educación terciaria – EE.UU.
Five trends postsecondary education leaders need to watch this fall Strada Education Network As some college campuses start welcoming students back to campus this fall, the effects of COVID-19 on Americans’ plans and expectations for their education will be important...
Kenneth Rogoff: Universidades tras las cuarentenas
Will Universities Learn from Lockdowns? Jul 6, 2020KENNETH ROGOFF The COVID-19 crisis is likely to bring about further rapid and far-reaching shifts in the economic ground beneath us. But we need not view these changes with dread if the pandemic also propels a...
La guerra política en torno a la apertura de los colegios en EE. UU.
Education Week's blogs > Politics K-12See our Federal Policy coverage Betsy DeVos. Donald Trump. The Every Student Succeeds Act. Congress. State chiefs. School spending. Elections. Education Week reporters keep watch on education policy and politics in the nation’s...
Estudiantes internacionales bajo presión en USA: la reacción de las universidades
As MIT and Harvard Sue, Colleges Scramble to Respond to New Federal Policy on International Students By Karin Fischer JULY 08, 2020 Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued the Trump administration to stop a new policy that would block...
Descoordinación de Políticas
Descoordinación de Políticas José Joaquín Brunner, 8 de diciembre de 2024 Coordinar políticas en el sector de la...
Instituto Nacional y el estado del debate en la Red
Alumnos del Instituto Nacional han perdido un mes y medio de clases este año por suspensiones Dirección de Educación...
Australia: necesidad de repensar la educación superior
Accord a missed opportunity, says departing Melbourne v-c ‘Big reset’ opportunity now spent when sector most needs it,...
Informe sobre Salud Financiera de la Educación Superior en Chile
Superintendencia presenta segundo informe sobre Salud Financiera de la Educación Superior en Chile PPT presentación...