Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Publication Announcement Is It Time to Rethink “Innovation Schools”? KEY TAKEAWAY: Policy brief explores how autonomy-based reforms might more effectively address systemic inequity in schools. NEPC Publication -> NEPC Resources on School...
EEUU: escenarios de pesadilla para la educación superior
Higher Education’s Nightmare Scenario Finances are already strained — and yet public colleges await budget-busting cuts. By William R. Doyle OCTOBER 12, 2020 Public colleges face two crises: the impact of Covid-19 on their operations and a downturn in state funding...
Conversación en McKinsey sobre retorno a las aulas en EEUU
Reopening schools: Fostering a safe and effective learning environment September 23, 2020 | Podcast Following closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, school systems have much to consider as they embark on a new school year. Open interactive popup Reopening schools:...
Alex Usher: Literatura sobre admisión y selectividad en USA
Two Great Books on Admissions September 17th, 2020 - Alex Usher An important shift during the last half-decade or so in US higher education is the serious consideration that increased selectivity at the top 5-10% of institutions may be doing real damage to the goal of...
Microcredenciales: Discusión en Canadá x Alex Usher
View as Webpage Micro-credentials Need to be More than Gimmicks September 14 2020 - Alex Usher If you’re one of those unfortunate people who follows the federal lobbying scene, you’ll have noticed that all of the PSE stakeholder groups, one way or another, are...
Universidades de EEUU como nuevos focos Covid
How Colleges Became the New Covid Hot Spots Like meatpacking plants and nursing homes early in the pandemic, campuses across the country are experiencing outbreaks. By Shawn Hubler and Anemona Hartocollis Sept. 11, 2020Updated 4:40 p.m. ET It began last month with a...
¿Regresar a la escuela?
A Parent’s Toughest Call: In-Person Schooling or Not? Parents are wrestling with difficult choices over sending their children to school. Here’s how one science reporter made the decision. By Apoorva Mandavilli, Sept. 1, 2020 All summer, as information about how the...
¿Puede culparse a los estudiantes de la educación superior por nuevos brotes de Covid-19?
The Student-Blaming Has Begun Is it fair to fault college students for Covid-19 outbreaks? By Katherine Mangan AUGUST 21, 2020 First came the reprimand: More than 100 first-year students who had gathered in Syracuse University’s quad (above), many without masks, to...
Estrategias de reapertura de la educación superior en USA
Here’s Our List of Colleges’ Reopening Plans By Chronicle Staff JULY 29, 2020 (Last updated at 10:17 a.m., Eastern, on August 22, 2020.) The coronavirus pandemic has left higher-education leaders facing difficult decisions about when to reopen campuses and how to go...
Depresión estudiantil en los EEUU en tiempos de Covid 19
Share of US postgraduates with depression ‘doubles’ amid pandemic Survey finds that rates of depression and anxiety more common among low-income, female, ethnic minority, LGBTQ and arts students August 18, 2020 Ellie Bothwell Dogged by the black dog 35 per cent of...
La Complutense ordena un recorte
La Complutense ordena un recorte del 35% en los gastos de sus facultades y vicerrectorados El centro educativo...
Rectores catalanes: financiación injusta e insuficiente
Los rectores catalanes: “Llevamos 15 años de financiación injusta e insuficiente” EL PAÍS y la Cadena SER reúnen a los...
Universidad católica australiana: crisis de gobernabilidad
Leading Catholic university battles identity crisis ‘Crisis’ snowballed following A$1 million payout to short-serving...
Un año para las ideas
Un año para las ideas Derechas e izquierdas están transitando por sus respectivos valles de la muerte ideacionales....