Estados Unidos

Universidades de EEUU y Canadá (2): Alex Usher

SAME BUT DIFFERENT (PART 2) NOVEMBER 3, 2021 | ALEX USHER Yesterday, I outlined the key similarities between the US and Canadian higher education systems.  Today, let’s talk differences. The most obvious dissimilarity is some of the institutional forms. Religious...

USA: Estudios clásicos en declinación

Is Classics’ empire in terminal decline? With contention about diversity adding to concerns about employability and declining student numbers, does Classics in the US need rebranding or rethinking? Paul Basken reports October 14, 2021 Paul Basken Many an evening,...

Exámenes a la salida de la enseñanza media: Brasil

ENEM: avaliação ou seleção? By Simon on Jul 09, 2021 11:43 am (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 9 de julho de 2021) Em 2022 entra em vigor o novo ensino médio, com a possibilidade de os estudantes optarem por diversas áreas de formação e também por cursos...

Financiamiento de colleges en EEUU

For College Finances, There’s No ‘Return to Normal’ - The critical problems facing higher education won’t end with the pandemic. By Mark S. LeClair, professor of economics at Fairfield University. JUNE 15, 2021 Higher ed is in trouble. It faces a demographic crunch in...