Is ThIs Pre-K Program Worsening The Racial Disparities IsParITIes IT Was Supposed To Address? Tuesday, January 11, 2022 When Bill de Blasio launched his ambitious preschool plan shortly after being elected Mayor of New York City in 2013, racial equity was a major...
La guerra cultural incendia las escuelas de Estados Unidos
La guerra cultural incendia las escuelas de Estados Unidos Amenazas de muerte, insultos y acoso son algunas de las reacciones de padres enfadados contra miembros de las juntas escolares debido a los mandatos sanitarios por la covid o los nuevos enfoques de equidad...
La idea y práctica de una ciencia ciudadana
Citizen science makes breakthrough post-pandemic Equity challenges loom, but solidifying evidence of value brings academic stature to science of partnering with the public November 19, 2021 Paul Basken After a decade of steady growth in the concept of citizen science,...
Community College en USA: Dificultades de la pospandemia
‘How Do We Rebuild?’ Community colleges try to claw their way back. By Lee Gardner NOVEMBER 10, 2021 When schools in Shelby County, Tenn., reopened in March for the first time since the pandemic began, Shanita Brown was optimistic. With Memphis’s children ending...
Universidades de EEUU y Canadá (2): Alex Usher
SAME BUT DIFFERENT (PART 2) NOVEMBER 3, 2021 | ALEX USHER Yesterday, I outlined the key similarities between the US and Canadian higher education systems. Today, let’s talk differences. The most obvious dissimilarity is some of the institutional forms. Religious...
R. Nisbet sobre los orígenes del capitalismo académico
The Prophet of Academic Doom Robert Nisbet predicted the managerialism that has brought universities low. But he also saw a way out. By Ethan Schrum OCTOBER 19, 2021 The Degradation of the Academic Dogma should be remembered for its title alone. But Robert Nisbet’s...
USA: Estudios clásicos en declinación
Is Classics’ empire in terminal decline? With contention about diversity adding to concerns about employability and declining student numbers, does Classics in the US need rebranding or rethinking? Paul Basken reports October 14, 2021 Paul Basken Many an evening,...
Obsesión con los rankings entre universidades de USA
RANK AND PRIVILEGE Colleges Still Obsess Over National Rankings. For Proof, Look at Their Strategic Plans. By Francie Diep and Nell Gluckman SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 Florida International University appears as a top-50 university on three lists. By 2025, it wants be on 10....
Rezagos que deja la pandemia en la educación escolar USA
COVID-19 and education: The lingering effects of unfinished learning July 27, 2021 | Article By Emma Dorn, Bryan Hancock, Jimmy Sarakatsannis, and Ellen Viruleg (c) Article (15 pages) As this most disrupted of school years draws to a close, it is time to take stock...
USA: ¿Voluntariedad u obligación de la educación presencial?
By David Leonhardt Good morning. Many parents want to continue remote learning. It may not be so good for their children. A third-grade classroom at Witchcraft Heights Elementary School in Salem, Mass., in April.Cody O'Loughlin for The New York Times When school is...
Debates actuales dentro de las derechas y el PC
Debates actuales dentro de las derechas y el PC Las ideas políticas -gastadas o en renovación, de recambio o...
Aprobación inicial FES-CAE y voces discrepantes
Educación realizó jornada para analizar proyecto de condonación del CAE Su objetivo fue analizar el alcance por la...
El potencial movilizador de lo académico y del bienestar estudiantil
El potencial movilizador de lo académico y del bienestar estudiantil Por: Claudio Calabrán Muñoz |...
Hans de Wit: Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution
Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution Hans de Wit 04 December 2024 Looking at the current debate...