Estados Unidos

USA: Liderazgos universitarios

What’s Behind the Surge in No-Confidence Votes? By Megan Zahneis MAY 18, 2022 Anyone following higher-education news in recent weeks has probably noticed a lot of votes of no confidence. Faculty Senate bodies at three campuses in the University of Maine system voted...

Post Covid: ¿Oportunidad perdida?

US ‘risks missing out’ on long-term benefits of online learning Virtual tools have unprecedented power to bend teaching towards research-proven ideals, yet opportunity of lockdown getting squandered, MIT experts tell colleagues May 11, 2022 Paul Basken US universities...

Intereses corporativos y universidades en USA

Are corporate interests taking over US higher education?  Just as campaigns to promote societal benefit show strength, activists admit setbacks in wider battleground for basic academic freedom Paul Basken,May 5, 2022 Confrontations over corporate interference are...

U de Harvard y la esclavitud en EEUU

Harvard profited from slavery. Now it seeks to atone. 27 April, 2022 Welcome to Wednesday, April 27. Today, Harvard releases a report on how it profited from slavery and how it will try to atone. The U.S. Education Department says 73 more institutions are eligible to...

Ranking QS por disciplinas y areas de conocimiento

US universities lead in 28 of 51 subjects ranked by QS University World News reporter  16 April 2022 In terms of the number of world’s top-10 programmes, the United States dominates this year’s QS World University Rankings by Subject with 239, followed by the United...

Ranking US News bajo la lupa

Do the ‘U.S. News’ Rankings Rely on Dubious Data? Researchers who submit to the publication say survey answers are subject to errors, ambiguity, and pressure to look good. By Francie Diep APRIL 6, 2022 Robert Morse, the lead designer of U.S. News & World Report’s...

¿Podrá subsistir la universidad?

The University in Ruins The “innovations” that promise to save higher ed are a farce. By Johann N. Neem MARCH 21, 2022 Universities might be facing a moment similar to what befell early modern English monasteries under Henry VIII. For generations, Ronald G. Musto...