The Gender Gap in Publications New analysis looks at differences in scholarly outputs and impacts across 12 countries/regions and 27 fields. By Elizabeth Redden March 8, 2017 Bajar artículo completo con gráficos aquí. A large-scale analysis of gender disparities in...
Bellolio y Herrera: Hacia un nuevo sistema universitario
Hacia un nuevo sistema universitario Jaime Bellolio y Hugo Herrera, 23 febrero 2017 "Para conservar fortalezas y paliar defectos, se debiese avanzar hacia un régimen de aseguramiento universal de la calidad, apoyo fiscal igualitario para los estudiantes y apoyo...
Ministra Educación de EEUU y educación superior
How Much Power Does Betsy DeVos Really Hold to Shake Up Higher Ed? Most education secretaries have left a limited mark on higher ed. Here’s why. By Kelly Field FEBRUARY 16, 2017 Last week’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education has raised alarms among...
Brecha educacional y desigualdad
[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"] Mind the Gap: Inequality in education by Tracey Burns, Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills. 16.02.2017 "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … we had everything before us, we had nothing before...
Alex Usher: Cómo financiar la educación superior (3)
How to Fund (3) Alex Usher. Posted on February 16, 2017 by Paul You all may remember that in early 2015, the province of Ontario announced it was going to review its university funding formula. There was no particular urgency to do so, and many were puzzled as to “why...
Alex Usher: Cómo financiar la educación superior (2)
How to Fund (2) Posted on February 15, 2017 by Alex Usher As I noted yesterday, in Canada we have some kind of phobia about output-based funding. In the 1990s, Ontario and Alberta introduced, and then later killed, key performance indicators with funding attached....
Alex Usher: Cómo financiar la educación superior (1)
How to Fund (1) Posted on February 14, 2017 by Alex Usher Over the next three days, I want to talk about funding formulas. I know I did this a couple of years ago, at the start of the Ontario funding formula review exercise (see here, here, and here, but it’s...
La poderosa economía de la educación
La poderosa economía de la educación El sector tiene ante sí el desafío de reducir la desigualdad en los pupitres Ninguna industria se levanta sobre unos materiales tan sólidos ni tan frágiles. Números y palabras, textos y voces, ideas y pensamientos; delicada...
Colegios subvencionados en Bogotá
Public-private partnerships, accountability, and competition: theory versus reality in the charter schools of bogotá, colombia D. Brent Edwards Jr., David DeMatthews, Hilary Hartley Abstract While charter schools are among the most prevalent public-private...
Inequidad educacional a la luz de PISA
Social inequalities in education are not set in stone Posted: 31 Jan 2017 02:00 AM PST by Carlos González-Sancho Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Most people see social inequities in education as stubbornly persistent. Children of wealthy and highly...
Cataluña: Bajos resultados PISA
Miquel Àngel Alegre, sociólogo: “Ha faltado supervisión de los centros que más apuestan por el cambio educativo” El...
Desconfianza corrosiva
Desconfianza corrosiva "La democracia no puede existir así. Requiere un mínimo de confianza interélites". José Joaquín...
EEUU: Libertad académica amenazada
US faculty promise fight to protect academic freedom While Republicans seek momentum from fiery hearing and Penn...
SLEP: Reactivación de cara al 2024
Mineduc anuncia que cuatro SLEP recibirán sus establecimientos educacionales el 1 de enero de 2024 Lunes 18 de...