
¿Quién paga la educación superior?

Who really bears the cost of education? Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:49 AM PST by Marie-Hélène Doumet Senior Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills It can be difficult to get your head around education finance. Who actually pays for it, where does the money come...

Prioridades educativas de los candidatos presidenciales

BLOG DE NICOLE CISTERNAS. ES DIRECTORA DE POLÍTICA EDUCATIVA EDUCACIÓN 2020 , Nicole Cisternas,Directora de Política Educativa Educación 2020, el 12/12/2017 Elecciones presidenciales: ¿Dónde están las prioridades educativas? Estamos a pocos días de las presidenciales...

Nuevo libro: Compromiso con la Educación

Domingo, 10 de Dic de 2017 | 18:05:26 hrs. José Joaquín Brunner publica un nuevo libro: "El diseño de las medidas de reforma se hizo precipitadamente, sin suficiente base técnica" domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017 M. C. Educación El Mercurio El investigador aborda...

Alex Usher: Universidad neoliberal (5)

Last Orders on Neoliberalism (Neoliberalism Part 5) November 24th, 2017 - Alex Usher To sum up the week's arguments: Neoliberalism is about markets.  There are actually very few genuine markets in higher education and where there are they can be quite beneficial...

Alex Usher: Universidad Neoliberal (4)

Measurement and Management at Universities (Neoliberalism Part 4) November 23rd, 2017 - Alex Usher To date, we have looked at market mechanisms and competition in universities and shown that a) they aren't in fact all that neo-liberal and b) particularly with respect...

Alex Usher: Universidad Neoliberal (3)

Universities and Competition (Neoliberalism Part 3) November 22nd, 2017 - Alex Usher One of the key accusations about universities and neoliberalism is that the system is too obsessed with competition.  On the face of it, this looks like the easiest argument to make...

Educación superior técnico profesional

[list type="check"] ADD_LIST_CONTENT ADD_LIST_CONTENT [/list] H Desafíos en el logro de los aprendizajes en la educación superior técnico profesional   Kiyoshi Fukushi Mandiola, secretario general DUOC UC Si a los cientos de miles de titulados de la educación superior...