Primera reunión del Nuevo Convenio Regional de la UNESCO pone en marcha el reconocimiento de estudios superiores en América Latina y el Caribe Con la entrada en vigor, el 23 de octubre de 2022, del Convenio Regional para el reconocimiento de estudios, títulos...
Micro credenciales y el rol de las universidades
Micro-credentials: The Path of Least Resistance Alex Usher, April 4, 2023 There was, he continued, little incentive for universities to change because it was “cheaper, easier” to cater for students early in their lives, given that “people who come mid-career are a lot...
Alex Usher desde Japón
Letter from Japan March 20, 2023 | Alex Usher Morning all. I’m in the midst of a couple of weeks in Japan (the sumo was fun, thanks, though the overall quality of the field is pretty weak since Hakuho retired and Terunofuji’s knees gave out) and though this trip has...
Equidad de Género en la EMTP
MÁS OPORTUNIDADES, MENOS BARRERAS: POR UN 2023 CON MÁS EQUIDAD DE GÉNERO Educación Técnico-Profesional, Fundación 2020 7 MARZO, 2023 Un 45% de las estudiantes de educación media técnico profesional declaran haber sufrido acoso verbal en los inicios de su vida...
Podcast conversación de Alex Usher con Jamil Salmi
FEBRUARY 23, 2022 | ALEX USHER The World of Higher Education Podcast Access Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries S1 E4: Access Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Guest: Jamil Salmi Morning all. Today is Thursday and hence podcast day. Today’s guest is my...
EEUU: Contexto político de la educación superior
Blue versus red states: Higher education policy-making in the US John Aubrey Douglass 21 January 2023 The midterm elections in the United States brought a sort of victory for President Joe Biden and the Democrats, including the retention of a slim majority in the...
Europa: Contexto político y educación superior
Universities and elections: Democratic actors or reactors? Sjur Bergan 21 January 2023 When one explores the issue of universities and elections, as University World News does in this and its previous edition, one should ask at least three questions: are universities...
Contexto político global y educación superior
Higher education can reverse its democratic recession William G Tierney 21 January 2023 One need not be a linguist to acknowledge the fluidity of language. In 1977 Lewis B Mayhew, one of academe’s preeminent scholars of higher education, penned Legacy of the...
Brasil: Contexto político y educación superior
Cautious optimism in universities greets new president Lula Marcelo Knobel and Elizabeth Balbachevsky 08 January 2023 When Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil’s new president on 1 January 2023, he found higher education (and many other areas) a...
USA: Las nuevas condiciones postpandemia de la economía política universitaria
The Shrinking of Higher Ed In the past, colleges grew their way out of enrollment crises. This time looks different. By Karin Fischer, AUGUST 12, 2022 Nearly 1.3 million students have disappeared from American colleges during the Covid-19 pandemic, raising...
Instituto Nacional y el estado del debate en la Red
Alumnos del Instituto Nacional han perdido un mes y medio de clases este año por suspensiones Dirección de Educación...
Australia: necesidad de repensar la educación superior
Accord a missed opportunity, says departing Melbourne v-c ‘Big reset’ opportunity now spent when sector most needs it,...
Informe sobre Salud Financiera de la Educación Superior en Chile
Superintendencia presenta segundo informe sobre Salud Financiera de la Educación Superior en Chile PPT presentación...
Batalla por escándalos, medios de comunicación y élites políticas
Batalla por escándalos, medios de comunicación y élites políticas Los grupos dirigentes, de un lado y del otro, se...