
El reto de la productividad en América Latina

El reto de la productividad en América Latina Por Maria Oviedo, PREAL, 10 de febrero de 2015 Existe una brecha alarmante entre las capacidades que ofrece la fuerza laboral de América Latina y las habilidades que exigen las empresas de la región. Si bien la cobertura...

Entrevista al gobernador de Antioquia, Colombia

Antioquia la más educada by Federico Sucre , PREAL, on 03/02/2015 Entrevista a Sergio Fajardo (SF) por Federico Sucre (FS) http://blogdepreal.org/2015/02/03/antioquia-la-mas-educada/ En un esfuerzo por entender el rol fundamental del liderazgo político en la...

Reglas para los privados en Inglaterra

Government announces new rules for private colleges 29 January 2015 | By John Morgan The government has announced a series of new restrictions on private colleges, including “rapid response” investigations of fraud allegations. Greg Clark, the universities and science...

Monitoreo del emplea de graduados PhD

Tracking the Elusive Ph.D. Where do Ph.D. recipients end up in five years? In 10? A comprehensive project organized by the Council of Graduate Schools hopes to find out. By Vimal Patel, January 22, 2015 Due in part to a weakening academic job market, some colleges and...

Nuevo International Higher Education (IHE)

Open Journal Systems Home > No 79 International Higher Education The full current issue is available here International Higher Education (IHE) is the quarterly publication of the Center for International Higher Education. IHE publishes insightful, informed, and...

Un libro valioso para el verano

'Locus of Authority' By Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Education, January 5, 2015 The idea of shared governance probably conjures different notions for trustees, administrators and faculty members. But let’s say it’s a spectrum, with faculty advocates who want a say...