
Aprendizaje digital

Just published at www.wwwords.co.uk/elea/content/pdfs/10/issue10_2.asp     E-LEARNING AND DIGITAL MEDIA Volume 10 Number 2 2013     ISSN 2042-7530     SPECIAL ISSUE Exploring the Educational Potential of Open Educational Resources Guest Editors:...

Sector educacional a tres velocidades

Sector educacional a tres velocidades Una dinámica de tres velocidades parece haberse instalado en el sector educacional. En la más lenta, de ciclos largos, transcurren los cambios de fondo o estructurales del sistema educacional.   José Joaquín Brunner  A partir de...

Sobre pedagogía social

 EPAA/AAPE publishes Special Issue on Social Pedagogy in the 21st Century Dear Readers, Education Policy Analysis Archives has just published our latest Special Issue on EPAA/AAPE’s Special Issue on  Social Pedagogy in the 21st Century, Guest Co-Edited by Dr. Daniel...

Taller Internacional en Ljubljana

10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER) Workshop Theme: Higher Education Reforms: Looking Back – Looking Forward  Click here to download the Workshop Flyer The Centre for Education Policy Studies (CEPS) is pleased to host this year's International...

Riesgo, educación y política social

CALL FOR PAPERS Social Policy, Risk, and Education This special issue of the journal Policy Futures in Education -www.wwwords.co.uk/PFIE - takes the broad lens of risk as its point of departure and invite empirical and theoretical papers which focus on the ways in...

Educación obligatoria pagada por familias de bajo ingreso

OXFORD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE EDUCATION LOW-FEE PRIVATE SCHOOLING aggravating equity or mitigating disadvantage? Edited by PRACHI SRIVASTAVA 2013 paperback 220 pages US$48.00 ISBN 978-1-873927-91-5 IN STOCK NOW   FREE delivery on all orders All books are sent AIRMAIL...