España acorta su histórica brecha educativa: “Sin estudios solo hay trabajo en hostelería, y es precario” El porcentaje de jóvenes que completan la secundaria postobligatoria aumenta en 19 puntos, y el abandono escolar temprano cae 18 desde 2008, aproximando a España...
Richard Sennett a los ‘80
Richard Sennett: ‘I’ve always felt like a fish out of water in academia’ The feted urban sociologist Richard Sennett tells Matthew Reisz about how his former career as a cellist inspired his latest trilogy of books, why his ideal university would be more night school...
Hong Kong y Países Bajos, líderes en investigación académica
World University Rankings 2024: a broader look at research quality Hong Kong and the Netherlands lead new THE metrics measuring research strength, excellence and influence September 27, 2023 Tiya Thomas-Alexander Browse the full results of the World University...
Un ejercicio con IA y sus limites
An AI-informed discussion of research methods in digital learning Tony Bates, January 12, 2024 Each year I do a webinar with Ph.D students in the Doctor of Education in Distance Education at Athabasca University. Because I am now retired I haven’t been keeping up with...
Harvard y MIT: IA aplicada al acceso y retención
After pioneering edX, Harvard and MIT tackle online access afresh With Axim, elite university duo looks to aid innovation more than create it – and keep $800 million nest egg February 7, 2024 Paul Basken Access aids: Harvard and MIT promised to use proceeds of edX...
Internacionalización: debates actuales
Accountability in internationalisation: it must be personal Paulina Latorre, Uwe Brandenburg and Hans de Wit 27 January 2024 In 2011, two of us, Uwe Brandenburg and Hans de Wit, published an essay in International Higher Education with the provocative title “The end...
USA: Educación, clases sociales y elecciones
The Political Failure of Bidenomics Feb. 22, 2024 By David Brooks Opinion Columnist After Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016, most sensible Democrats realized they had a problem. The party was hemorrhaging support from the white working class. More than 60 percent of...
Aumento de cobertura en educación superior
Columnistas Viernes 02 de febrero de 2024 Aumento de cobertura en educación superior: ¿expectativas frustradas? Harald Beyer: “...La preocupación detrás del aumento en cobertura tiene que ver finalmente con la impresión de que algunos de dichos programas (de estudios)...
Elecciones de gobiernos 2024 y papel de la educación superior
How will universities fare in 2024’s ‘year of elections’? As countries that are home to around half of the world’s population go to the polls, Times Higher Education journalists consider what role higher education will play in the campaigns, and how it might be...
La IA y el futuro de las universidades
Generative AI action hints at core future roles in universities Karen MacGregor 28 January 2024 With the arrival of generative AI such as ChatGPT, science fiction took a big step towards fact. Last year, universities explored the implications of AI. This year kicked...
Uso de la IA por los estudiantes
Universities must compel students to detail how they use AI in assignments Institution-wide policies must affirm the...
Revista EducaciónXXI, Vol. 28, 2025
Vol. 28 Núm. 1 (2025) DOI: Publicado: 2025-01-06 Número completo PDF PDF...
Más estudiantes STEM
Necesitamos más estudiantes en ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas José Pablo Arellano Marín: “ los...
Esfuerzo y merecimiento
Esfuerzo y merecimiento José Joaquín Brunner, 19 de enero de 2025 Quizá en la educación, más que en cualquier otro...