
MOOCs: Un curso (de acción) para (meta) interesados

When Meta-MOOC Meets Wiki: Transforming Higher Education January 23, 2014 by Cathy Davidson Since May, I’ve been working just about nonstop on an intellectual and pedagogical extravaganza that I refer to as “Meta-MOOC.” It is “meta” in the sense that one part of this...

Futuros de la educación superior

  Now available at www.wwwords.co.uk/pfie/content/pdfs/11/issue11_6.asp POLICY FUTURES IN EDUCATION Volume 11 Number 6  2013  ISSN 1478-2103 SPECIAL ISSUE The Future of Higher Education Guest Editors: PHILIP WOODS & EDDIE BLASS Philip Woods & Eddie Blass....

Mitos sobre Moocs

Opinion: Five myths about Moocs 16 January 2014   Diana Laurillard explains why a model based on unsupervised learning is not the answer Moocs will not solve the problem of expensive undergraduate education or educational scarcity in emerging economies. This is...

Educación superior en línea: ¿Cuántos alumnos?

January 16, 2014 by Steve Kolowich   Exactly How Many Students Take Online Courses?   We know that online education went mainstream years ago. Academic leaders believe it will become even more prevalent in the coming years. But how many American students are...

PISA en América Latina

En un post reciente en el blog de PREAL, Ariel Fiszbein, nuevo director del programa de educación del Diálogo Interamericano, resume las reacciones de expertos del tema educativo de América Latina a los  resultados de sus países en el Programa para la Evaluación...

Enseñanza para la adquisición de maestría (mastery)

December 2013/January 2014 | Volume 71 | Number 4 Getting Students to Mastery Pages 10-16 How Good Is Good Enough? Grant Wiggins To help all students reach high standards, we need to ask what level of performance is required to be a master.     MASTERY: An...