
Examen de ingreso a la educación superior

The Hechinger Newsletter High School Reform Many who pass state high school graduation tests show up to college unprepared So what do the exams, now being conducted in classrooms nationwide, actually measure? by LUBA OSTASHEVSKY February 18, 2016 Looking back on her...

“Becoming a leader – A matter of education?”

Dear All,   Please feel invited to participate at the “Becoming a leader – A matter of education?” conference, that will be held 21-22 June 2016 in Bodø, Norway.   Please note that the deadline for registering for participation is quickly approaching!  ...

¿Carga excesiva de trabajo del académicos?

Workload survival guide for academics  Advice on how to cope with all the work and when to say no to opportunities Times Higher Education, February 18, 2016  Of the academics contributing to this year’s Times Higher Education University Workplace Survey, more than...

No podemos fallar

No podemos fallar Latinoamérica reúne más de 10 mil instituciones de educación superior. El desenvolvimiento de los sistemas nacionales sigue patrones distintivos en cada país. Con todo, una rápida revisión de las políticas aplicadas permite observar algunas...