
¿Populismos en la educación superior de México?

THE WORLD VIEW A blog from the CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION. Mexico: Higher Education Under Populism Despite opposition success in limiting the government’s proposed changes, the outlook for higher education remains bleak. By Alma Maldonado-Maldonado and...

Alex Usher sobre deuda y aranceles

View as Webpage A New(ish) Argument About Debt and Tuition   June 11th, 2019 - Alex Usher As I am starting to sketch out the bones of my next book, (semi-serious working title: How Tuition Fees Will Save the World ) , I am collecting arguments about the nature and...

Mario Aguilar, presidente del Colegio de Profesores

Mario Aguilar, presidente del Colegio de Profesores: “Somos quijotescos; los profesores creen que es importante que se haga justicia” Autor: Carlos Said, SAB 15 JUN 2019 | 09:14 PM El Colegio de Profesores realizará mañana una consulta nacional para decidir si aceptan...

Brasil: fin de un falso consenso

Consenso e Dissenso em Educação By Simon on Jun 14, 2019 08:08 am (artigo publicado no jornal O Estado de São Paulo, 14 de junho de 2019) Seis ex-ministros da educação, em recente nota, falam do grande consenso que teria sido construído no Brasil sobre o setor, que o...

Bolsonaro y educación

Opinion Who Needs the Humanities When You Have Jair Bolsonaro? Brazil’s education system is being strangled by a president who doesn’t believe in learning. By Vanessa Barbara, June 11,2019 SÃO PAULO, Brazil — According to President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian education...

Micro credenciales

Microcredentials June 6th, 2019 - Alex Usher One of the big buzzwords in higher education these days is “microcredentials”. Because this term means so many things to different people, it is worth unpacking this term a bit. One of the biggest challenges we have as a...

La educación vive en Brasil un clima de dictadura

La educación vive en Brasil un clima de dictadura Desde el Ministerio de Educación piden a la sociedad denunciar a los profesores que intenten estimular a los alumnos a desarrollar su derecho a manifestarse JUAN ARIAS, 31 MAY 2019 - 23:41 CEST Junto con el descalabro...