La educación a distancia se dispara como vía de reenganche durante la crisis Los alumnos que optan por esta vía en FP se multiplican por tres desde 2008 J. A. AUNIÓN / MANUEL PLANELLES , El Mecurio, Madrid / Sevilla 16 SEP 2013 - 21:56 CET16 La segunda...
Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria de la UPM
Newsletter - 18/09/13 Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria NOVEDADES Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria les damos la bienvenida al curso académico 2013-2014 y les informamos sobre algunos de los actos que...
Google y MOOCs
Google and edX Create a MOOC Site for the Rest of Us By Steve Kolowich, The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 10, 2013, 3:28 pm...
Tendencias tecnológicas y el futuro de la educación superior
12 tech trends higher education cannot afford to ignore Education Dive, July 31, 2013 By Davide Savenije Higher education faces an onslaught of disruptive forces right now—and no one should be suprised to hear that news. Burgeoning technologies such as MOOCs...
Tratando de evaluar la efectividad de los MOOCs
New Research Effort Aims to Examine Effectiveness of MOOCs By Sara Grossman, June 10, 2013, 3:20 pm As more and more colleges experiment with massive open online courses, or MOOCs, a new project hopes to cut through the hype and gauge the...
Docencia “externalizada” y “adoptada”: ¿Un tema para pensar en Chile y América Latina?
Outsourced Lectures Raise Concerns About Academic Freedom By Steve Kolowich, May 28, 2013 Students at Massachusetts Bay Community College this year got a rare opportunity to take a computer-science course designed and taught online by some of the top professors...
Qué podemos aprender del aprendizaje on line masivo
What Professors Can Learn From 'Hard Core' MOOC Students By Jeffrey R. Young, The Chronicle of Higher Education, may 20, 2013 If people who sit at their computers for tens of hours each week zapping virtual monsters are hard-core gamers, then massive...
MOOCs: ¿El fin del comienzo?
Coursera Jumps the Shark Posted on May 31, 2013 by Alex Usher Remember when Coursera – the world’s largest purveyor of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) – was going to disrupt higher education, and put hundreds if not thousands of public institutions out of...
MOOC Professors Claim No Responsibility for How Courses Are Used May 21, 2013, 4:59 am By Steve Kolowich Robert Ghrist, a professor of mathematics and electrical and systems engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, knows that wielding vast networks on behalf of...
Investigación educacional y educación digital: velocidades relativas
Quick and Dirty Research ByPaul Fain, Inside Higher ED, May 1, 2013 - 3:00am Read more: SAN FRANCISCO – To keep up with the breakneck pace of developments in...
PC en perspectiva
PC en perspectiva "Al celebrar 112 años de existencia, el PC se erige como un signo de contradicciones". José Joaquín...
EEUU: Estimaciones del valor de la educación superior, ¿vale la pena?
Pew Research: Is college worth it? Yes, with caveats Nathan M Greenfield 31 May 2024 Almost one third of Americans do...
III Congreso Internacional de Gestión Educativa
III Congreso Internacional de Gestión Educativa: Re imaginando Trayectorias de Gestión para transformar la educación...
OCDE: Aprendiendo inglés en tiempos de Tik-Tok
TikTok and textbooks: how today’s 15-year-olds learn English OECD Education and Skills TodayFebruary 20, 2024 Andreas...