What Is Threatening Science? Sep 11, 2018 JEREMY J. BAUMBERG Globalization, the digitization of knowledge, and the growing number of scientists all seem, at first glance, like positive trends for the progress of science. But these trends are Janus-faced, for they also...
Nuevas formas de enseñanza en la educación superior
Higher education and the “new model of learning” Posted: 08 Aug 2018 09:21 AM PDT By Amar Toor Communications and Digital Officer, Directorate for Education and SkillsIn an article published in 2017, University of Sydney professor Colm Harmon argues that the challenge...
Nuevas experiencias de educación superior on line
Higher education and the internet Learning difficulties July 21, 2018 A third of America’s graduate degrees are now taken online. But the bulk of the spoils go not to famous universities but to obscure firms “THERE’S only two things you do in the navy,” says...
Uso de tecnologías de información en la sala de clases
How can technology support teaching and learning more effectively? Posted: 18 Jun 2018 06:49 AM PDT By Marc Fuster Rabella Consultant, Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: John Schnobrich/Unsplash When Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in...
Digitalización: el desafío para las universidades en España
Los desafíos de la Universidad Cuatro rectores imaginan el futuro y ven como principales retos la digitalización, la investigación y la contribución que tiene que hacer a la sociedad EDUARDO LOBILLO 24 MAY 2018 - 20:37 CEST En la universidad del futuro habrá que...
Educación y emociones
Why social emotional learning matters for migrant students and how schools can help Posted: 28 May 2018 07:36 AM PDT By Andreas Schleicher, Director, Directorate for Education and Skills and John McLaughlin, Deputy Education & Early Childhood Development Minister,...
Educación superior Tecnológica hacia 2040
TECHNOLOGY This Is What Georgia Tech Thinks College Will Look Like in 2040 By Beth McMurtrie MAY 11, 2018 PREMIUM The Georgia Institute of Technology has a fondness for bold experiments. It created the nation’s largest online master’s program in computer science,...
Review of Research in Education:número reciente
Impact Factor1.727 Now Available—RRE's 2018 Volume, The Challenges and Possibilities of Intersectionality in Education Save 20% today! Subscribe to RRE and save 20% on an Individual Subscription, Combined (Print & E-access)! Enter priority code RRE18 during...
Internet y el proceso de aprendizaje: dificultades
Taking a break from the Internet may be good for learning Posted: 16 Apr 2018 01:58 AM PDT By Alfonso Echazarra Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: imgix on Unsplash A Danish study on Internet use at school revealed that students...
IA en la educción superior
How A.I. Is Infiltrating Every Corner of the Campus In enrollment, advising, and campus facilities, the revolution is spreading fast By Lee Gardner APRIL 08, 2018 PREMIUMWhen Donald Markus Hogue first came to the University of Texas at Austin, in 2012, he spent eight...
El gobierno de las universidades chilenas en perspectiva internacional comparada
El gobierno de las universidades chilenas en perspectiva internacional comparada Autores/as José Joaquín Brunner Ried,...
Cátedra emérita
Cátedra José Joaquín Brunner de Economía Política de la Educación, la Comunicación y la Cultura - UFRO El Doctorado en...
Revista Complutense de Educación, Vol. 35 Núm. 4 (2024)
Revista Complutense de Educación Artículos Segmentación en palabras de textos escritos por alumnos de primer curso de...
III Cumbre Grupo Cartagena. Universidad: ¿Cuánto de tradición y cuánto de cambio? | SIIP- UNCUYO
III Cumbre del Grupo de Cartagena en colaboración con la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Conferencia magistral de José...