
educacionsuperior digital: propuesta en Canadá

View as Webpage New Digital Universities November 19th, 2018 - Alex Usher Last week Tony Bates, arguably the doyen of Canadian digital education, posted an intriguing little article called  Why Canada Needs Five New Digital Universities   on his blog at the Contact...

Australia: Nexo entre docencia e investigación

Call for creation of teaching-focused universities in Australia Consultants argue Humboldtian ideal of research-informed teaching ‘shackles’ institutions into uniformity October 23, 2018; by John Ross Australian universities are “shackled” into uniformity by a...

EEUU: Nuevas ideas para la docencia

SPECIAL REPORTS This University’s ‘Accelerator’ Tests New Ideas for Teaching — and It’s Working By Lawrence Biemiller OCTOBER 21, 2018  The accelerator process starts with an annual event meant to generate ideas, says Bradley Cohen, senior vice provost for...

Destrezas emocionales

Why social and emotional skills matter more than ever Posted: 17 Oct 2018 02:00 AM PDT By Javier Suarez-Alvarez, Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills A mannequin dressed in a spacesuit is seated in the driver’s seat of an electric sports car. Within minutes,...

Escritura y nuevas tecnologías en los colegios

How technology is enabling new ways of writing Posted: 17 Sep 2018 08:35 AM PDT by Joshua Polchar Policy Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills We could be on the brink of a fundamental change in how we produce and use written material. Changes and improvements...