Managing Education Systems During COVID-19: An Open Letter to A Minister of Education MARCH 23, 2020 Karen Mundy and Susannah Hares,© 2020 Center for Global Development Dear Minister, As of March 23, more than 124 countries have closed their education systems either...
Unesco: Acelerar el despliegue de soluciones de aprendizaje a distancia
La mitad de la población estudiantil del mundo no asiste a la escuela: la UNESCO lanza una coalición mundial para acelerar el despliegue de soluciones de aprendizaje a distancia París, 18 de marzo -Más de 850 millones de niños y jóvenes -aproximadamente la mitad de la...
Mapa de competencias siglo 21
New 21st Century Skills Study to Map Education in a Changing World International Association of Educational Achievement (IEA) Education is changing. Countries around the world are broadening their educational vision to equip students with what are often termed...
Estudiantes de college y multitasking cursos presenciales versus online
College Students’ Multitasking Behavior in Online Versus Face-to-Face Courses Show all authors Andrew Lepp, Jacob E. Barkley, Aryn C. Karpinski, ... First Published January 13, 2019 Research Article // Article information ARTICULO PDF...
Nuevas concepciones del PhD
The New Ph.D. Momentum grows to rewrite the rules of graduate training By Marc Parry February 16, 2020 PREMIUM (c) Meg Berkobien couldn’t do it anymore. She’d finished about three-quarters of a doctoral dissertation in comparative literature. Her advisers at the...
Nuevo paradigma para la educación: reporte de una conferencia
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to send you the report on the Fourth International Conference on Future Education, which was held on November 11-13, 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia. It has been prepared on the basis of the recordings made during the event and the...
“Lo que nos ha traído hasta aquí ya no es suficiente…”
Lo que nos ha traído hasta aquí ya no es suficiente… Javier Martínez Aldanondo Socio Cultura de Aprendizaje de Knowledge Works [email protected] y [email protected] Twitter: @javitomar “La verdadera generosidad hacia el futuro...
Ideas para reformar la admisión: debate en los EEUU
How to Stand Up for Equity in Admissions? Experts Share 5 Ideas By Eric Hoover JANUARY 28, 2020 PREMIUM Los Angeles On Tuesday morning, Robert J. Massa described a daunting goal: Restoring the public’s faith in the admissions process. At the University of Southern...
Alex Usher frente a la 4ª Revolución
View as Webpage Where Are All the Job-Killing Robots? January 22nd 2020 - Alex Usher It’s Davos time, when we get to find out what the world’s power elite would like everyone else to freak out about for the next twelve months. What is happening this year? The theme...
Aprendizajes: Tendencia y crisis
15 January 2020 Global Education Alert Latest news and trends in knowledge and learning for the future JANUARY 3, 2020 Lee Crawfurd and Susannah Hares Follow The “tens” are over and it’s been quite a decade in global education. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)...
En recuerdo de Georg Krücken
Message to CHER Members from the CHER Board of Governors The CHER community is profoundly saddened by the death of...
Crisis educacional y rol docente: tres contribuciones En la sesión ordinaria...
Nuevos aportes al debate FES, CAE, gratuidad: versiones y revisions
Anteriores entradas: Nuevas contribuciones al debate sobre financiamiento estudiantil Nuevos aportes al debate sobre...
Financiamiento de la investigación
Nuevo FIU: ¿Impulso a la Investigación y Desarrollo o engrosar el financiamiento basal para universidades? Si bien son...