
Visión educacional hacia la pospandemia

Education and the COVID-19 pandemic Sir John Daniel, 20 April 2020; PROSPECTS volume 49, pages91–96(2020) Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic is a huge challenge to education systems. This Viewpoint offers guidance to teachers, institutional heads, and officials on...

Volver al orden normal de la educación o renovarlo

Volver al orden normal de la educación o renovarlo 31 de enero de 2021 El retorno educativo no tiene una regla previsible ni resultará de un decreto de autoridad. Al contrario, será inorgánico, diverso y zigzagueante. El desafío es renovar el orden de la educación...

Perspectivas de la universidad desde Canadá

This past century, universities have proven to be nimble and entrepreneurial even while adroitly portraying themselves as guardians of tradition. (Shutterstock) Universities have thrived despite past disruptions and could grow even stronger after COVID-19 January 25,...

Conferencia Internacional de Humanidades

  Call for Papers Dear Colleague, We are pleased to share with you the Call for Papers for the Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 30 June - 2 July 2021. The New Directions in...

Revista Perfiles Educativos, enero-marzo 2021

Vol. 43 Núm. 171: Enero-Marzo DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.24486167e.2021.171  PDF Editorial Claves La desigualdad de oportunidades educativas en México (1958-2010)Desplazamiento y reconfiguración Emilio Blanco  PDF Escuela y diversidad cultural en la educación...

Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida

The long read The joys of being an absolute beginner – for life The phrase ‘adult beginner’ can sound patronising. It implies you are learning something you should have mastered as a child. But learning is not just for the young by Tom Vanderbilt Thu 7 Jan...